Kenworth W900A Combo
卡車 + 拖架
取代 kt2000 Kinetic 2T2
取代 Asphalt 拖架 引用框:
W900A model kenworth:
installation: put the w900a.scs file in your haulin mod folder
the truck replaces the kt2000. the trailer replaces the asphalt trailer.
credits: XXXXX. 3dartpol for air hoses and head rack chain.
truck wheels made by slamouser, trailer wheels credit pete379jp for original.
w900a.rar (1.76 MB)
w900a.rar (1.76 MB)
下載次數: 512
2009-3-28 17:57
20080813_be11e59e1bd200aa68abEGSoXNmNJIwy.jpg (60.76 KB) 2009-3-28 17:59
alh_00045.png (379.24 KB) 2008-8-13 12:55
DSC06181.jpg (606.73 KB) 2008-8-13 12:59
下载解压之后是一个文件夹 没有SCS文件 请问怎么安装啊??