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引用框:the first Brazilian urban Double Deck bus 11 units were manufactured in 1987 at the CMTC factory under the order of former mayor Jânio Quadros. had its design based on the London buses, even on the red painting of the CMTC of the late 80's. After the first batch, the project was assigned to Thamco, a São Paulo-based bodybuilder that continues the project by delivering more 26 units ordered on late 1987. It is here that Jânio Quadros was enchanted by the London buses on one of his trips and decided to bring them to Sao Paulo. Its chassis was the Scania K112 with manual transmission, which CMTC already used in its fleet. It became a tourist attraction, the upper floor was disputed by passengers in looking for the best view, but standing on the upper floor was prohibited. Just like the other buses of the time, the boarding was in its rear door, something that is unusual today. They operated until 1993, when they were deactivated by the former mayor Erundina. This version has the rear door boarding. Technical specs: Lenght: 10.800 External width: 2.500 Internal width: 2.350 Second floor height: 1.70 Total height: 4.26 Chassis: Scania K112CL 1987. Engine: Scania DN11 01 B 14 203CV. Torque: 760Nm 1100-1400rpm. Transmission: Scania G776, manual, 5 speeds. Capacity: 72 seats and 17 standing. 【版权】 RedJoker Softwarehttps://reboot.omsi-webdisk.de/file/9294-cmtc-fofao/#overview 複製內容到剪貼板 原始碼:Body: RedJoker. Panel: Akassio Roque, ARS Conversões, Erick Henrique, Luiz Felipe Bonamigo, Marcos Elias e RedJoker. Wheels: Victor Ortega e alterações feitas por RedJoker. Fonts: Ronaldo Aguial Design. Wipers: Gabriel Angelo editado por RedJoker. Steering Wheel: Edson Antonio. Other parts: Marcos Elias e RedJoker. Skins: RedJoker. Sound: EdsonV12, Márcio Santos, MatheusinhGamer e RedJoker. scripts: Gabriel Barbosa, Kyle Ortiz, Marcos Elias, Martin, Marty515, MR Software, Ronaldo Aguial Design, Ondrej Slucik e RedJoker. 【图片】 【下载地址】 回帖后才可看到本帖隐藏内容。VIP贵宾免回帖。乱打内容会被封号。可粘贴一句“感谢楼主分享” [ 本帖最后由 QQ-jim 于 2022-12-26 17:22 编辑 ]
the first Brazilian urban Double Deck bus
Body: RedJoker. Panel: Akassio Roque, ARS Conversões, Erick Henrique, Luiz Felipe Bonamigo, Marcos Elias e RedJoker. Wheels: Victor Ortega e alterações feitas por RedJoker. Fonts: Ronaldo Aguial Design. Wipers: Gabriel Angelo editado por RedJoker. Steering Wheel: Edson Antonio. Other parts: Marcos Elias e RedJoker. Skins: RedJoker. Sound: EdsonV12, Márcio Santos, MatheusinhGamer e RedJoker. scripts: Gabriel Barbosa, Kyle Ortiz, Marcos Elias, Martin, Marty515, MR Software, Ronaldo Aguial Design, Ondrej Slucik e RedJoker.
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原帖由 hydhydhyd 于 2022-12-26 18:11 发表 好耶!Jim复活啦!