
[地图] 【轉載】Börzsöny Fiktiv

【轉載】Börzsöny Fiktiv


请下载NL202作为AI BUS。入地图错误/找不到地图,请在4楼查看解决办法。电脑配置低的请谨慎,以免电脑坏掉。

[ 本帖最後由 henryfung1515 於 2013-11-4 18:32 編輯 ]


原帖由 jjsbb 於 2013-11-4 17:24 發表
因为在中文系统里不识ö这个字符 不过我怀疑即使把文件夹名中的ö改成o再载入地图也会报错

[ 本帖最後由 QQ9424_____ 於 2013-11-4 17:30 編輯 ]

原帖由 jjsbb 於 2013-11-4 17:24 發表
因为电脑的编码不同,请将地图的档案名改为Fiktiv,而global.cfg的name及friendlyname亦改为Fiktiv。另外,入地图时应该会报错,请查看logfile,并将logfile中没找到的档案名称复制,在适当的档案贴上(应该要改车辆、地图的TTdate、Splines texture及sceneryobject texture)。先苦后甜,地图很棒,有上斜及下斜、物件很漂亮、也有很多AI车(包括警车及救护车),请下载NL202作为AI BUS。建议配合MAN LCDD玩,效果一流。请注意,下斜小心,不要飞车。

[ 本帖最後由 henryfung1515 於 2013-11-4 18:31 編輯 ]
  • QQ9424_____ 膜仔通汇 +1 2013-11-4 18:29 原創內容

    Start logging
Date: 2013/11/4
Time: 19:55:32

0 19:55:41 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "30er_reihensiedlung01.bmp"!
1 19:55:41 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "SD_Rad_v.bmp"!
2 19:55:41 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "reifen.bmp"!
3 19:55:43 -  -     Warning:       Problem while getting file http://www.omnibussimulator.de/download/ad_bushut_0.tga
4 19:55:43 -  -     Warning:       Problem while getting file http://www.omnibussimulator.de/download/ad_bushut_1.tga
5 19:55:43 -  -     Warning:       Problem while getting file http://www.omnibussimulator.de/download/ad_bushut_2.tga
6 19:55:43 -  -     Warning:       Problem while getting file http://www.omnibussimulator.de/download/ad_bushut_3.tga
7 19:55:43 -  -     Warning:       Problem while getting file http://www.omnibussimulator.de/download/ad_bushut_4.tga
8 19:55:43 -  -     Warning:       Problem while getting file http://www.omnibussimulator.de/download/ad_bushut_5.tga
9 19:55:43 -  -     Warning:       Problem while getting file http://www.omnibussimulator.de/download/ad_bushut_6.tga
10 19:55:43 -  -     Warning:       Problem while getting file http://www.omnibussimulator.de/download/ad_bushut_7.tga
11 19:55:43 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "path_car_1.bmp"!
12 19:55:47 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "texture.tga"!
13 19:55:47 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Snow_1.bmp.001"!
14 19:55:48 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "KER_2.tga"!
15 19:55:48 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "KER_2.tga"!
16 19:55:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt.o3d!
17 19:55:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt.o3d!
18 19:55:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt.o3d!
19 19:55:49 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt.o3d!
20 19:55:51 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
21 19:55:52 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
22 19:55:52 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
23 19:55:52 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
24 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "JARDA.bmp"!
25 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
26 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
27 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
28 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
29 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
30 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
31 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
32 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
33 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
34 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
35 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
36 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
37 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
38 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
39 19:55:56 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
40 19:55:59 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "KER_2.tga"!
41 19:55:59 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "KER_2.tga"!
42 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
43 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
44 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
45 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
46 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
47 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
48 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
49 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
50 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
51 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
52 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
53 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
54 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
55 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
56 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt_Lila.o3d!
57 19:56:00 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "JARDA.bmp"!
58 19:56:05 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "DACHTR腉.tga"!
59 19:56:05 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "DACHTR腉.tga"!
60 19:56:08 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "ZIEL.tga"!
61 19:56:10 -  -   Error:           In "Sceneryobjects\VIDEKI_PALYA\szokokut\kerites2.sco" there was an error in line 49!
62 19:56:10 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\VIDEKI_PALYA\szokokut\kerites2.sco"
63 19:56:16 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "Asphalt_line.bmp"!
64 19:56:16 -  -     Warning:       Spline type "Splines\VIDEKI_PALYA\t鰈tes.sli" could not be loaded!
65 19:56:16 -  -     Warning:       Spline type "Splines\VIDEKI_PALYA\b鰎zs鰊y_invis_sidewalk.sli" could not be loaded!
66 19:56:17 -  -   Error:           The object "vehicles\AI_B鰎zs鰊y_BMW_E60\parked_BMW_E60.sco" could not be loaded!
67 19:56:17 -  -     Warning:       Invalid Object: vehicles\AI_B鰎zs鰊y_BMW_E60\parked_BMW_E60.sco"

原帖由 宵班车 於 2013-11-4 19:58 發表
    Start logging
Date: 2013/11/4
Time: 19:55:32

0 19:55:41 -  -     Warning:       Did not find texture file "30er_reihensiedlung01. ...


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