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发布时间 2023-12-24 14:38
【转】OMSI WebDisk 圣诞日历2023
OMSI WebDisk 网站今年又举办了第五届圣诞日历活动
★12月01日:Vorwegweiser V2——道路指示牌V2 引用框:@kosta_ presents you with a object pack of various advance signposts in V2!
When you are driving on German roads, you will always come across them: Advance signposts. This object pack contains various virtual advance signposts for your OMSI 2 map.
・Advance signposts with a "graphical representation" of the junction
・Advance signposts and signposts in table form*
・Some additions to make the (pre)signposts more realistic*
・Different poles
Every object marked with * is completely new in version 2. In addition, all objects have been newly sorted in the object overview in the editor, so that you can still find your way around the now quite large number of objects.
The objects are allowed to be supplied to maps after attribution. For more information, please read the readme. Have fun with the objects and a wonderful Advent season !
Note: The version is backward compatible. So, if you have already owned the first version, you can just overwrite all objects. ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月02日:Limburger DOM——林堡大教堂景物☞点此预览
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★12月03日:Kirmes-Objekte——市集景物 引用框:In today's door, the user @EliLGP presents you with his Kirmes (funfair) objects pack. He has been working on building the objects for months to finally bring the Kirmes feeling into OMSI. This is just an advent calendar version and fixes/updates will come after this time period.
- Fog machine
- 17 large amusement rides
- Accessories such as barriers, rubbish bin etc.
- 9 stands
- Beer garden/marquee
- Caravans und vans (static)
- 1 chrono event for the map Ahlheim Laurenzbach Updated in the ICB hall car park
The following lines drive pass the ICB hall:
- 20
- 22
- 28
- NE10
- NE14
Of course, you can create more chrono events with the objects. The objects may be used on maps, but can not be supplied.
Have fun with the chrono event and the objects and merry Christmas!
Best regards,
EliLGP ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月04日:Bushaltestellen Typ NIAG——低地莱茵运输「NIAG」型站牌 引用框:@xTrainSpot_Rx presents you with a package of bus stops!
These bus stops, of which correspond to the style of those used by the Niederrheinische Verkehrsgesellschaft, were taken from the map Dinslaken, which I am currently building, and are, if possible, expanded to achieve a neutral variant.
Due to a lack of object building skills, these bus stop signs were built non-modular, which means non other than that the timetables are fixed to the bus stop. However, different types are available, where a different quantity of timetables can be adjusted.
・Various variants (1 schedule, 2 schedules, etc.)
・Non-NIAG variants with neutral OMSI design
・Textures easily editable (and therefore customizable for the making of one's own city, as each texture is saved individually)
・Self-labelable lines/name field
All other important things are stated in the attached readme.
I am aware that the bus stops are surely not the best, but they are my first ever objects for OMSI and I hope you will still like them.
I wish you a wonderful Advent season!
xTrainSpot_Rx ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月05日:Repaintpack mit neuem Design für Krefrath——克磊夫拉特[sup][1][/sup]地图新款涂装包 引用框:A breeze of fresh air is coming to Krefrath - @Busfan Bayern provides you a repaint pack for your buses with a new design for Krefrath!
The user tried to replace the old design by creating a more modern one based on the old repaints.
Repaints are available for the following buses:
・MAN NL202, NG272 (Standard)
・MAN NG312 (Chrizzly92)
・Mercedes-Benz Citaro (Morphi v4 und v5)
・Mercedes-Benz Citaro Facelift (Standard, Morphi v1 und Morphi v2)
・Setra S415NF (Arne J.)
・Solaris Urbino 12 III (Alterr)
Have fun! ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月06日:Gerolstein——给罗尔石坦[sup][2][/sup]地图 引用框:After a long wait, @DerErzbusfahrer presents you with the map Gerolstein!
The map Gerolstein was created on the basis of the craft version published by Omnifuchs.
Briefly about the map:
Gerolstein is the county town of the district of the same name in the administrative district of Detmold, North Rhine-Westphalia. The medium-sized centre, which has around 35,000 inhabitants, is situated in the hilly foothills of the Eggegebirge mountains. Situated on the Hanover-Paderborn railway line, Gerolstein is served hourly by the S5 line of the Hanover S-Bahn. Petra Schattschneider GbR operates the Gerolstein city transport service on behalf of DB Geroltalbus, which transferred its services to the private company in 2013, with the city bus lines A-H, the night transport lines Ax, Bx and the E63 commuter line. In addition, there are the subcontractors Auto Gerlach and Windbrecher Bustouristik. Regional transport services reach the city from Bodenwerder, Bösingfeld, Brakel, Brockum, Detmold, Hameln and Höxter.
21 lines await you with a sophisticated roster system, including "start-up" routes. What's more, three different "Hof" files are provided for the standard destination display, the CoD version and the ChuraKrueger version.
・8 city transport lines
・A | Godesberger Allee <->Föhrer Straße
・B | Comeniusstrasse <-> Meiershof
・C | Frauna <-> Rheinfelden
・D | Railway station <-> Am Brandström - Kloster (monastery)
・E | Prießallee <-> Sennestraße Industrial district
・F | Am Brandström - Kloster (monastery) <-> Rheinfelden
・G | Stefansplatz <-> Alsmeyersiedlung <-> Stefansplatz
・H | Stefansplatz/Markt <-> Prießallee
・1 commuter line
・E63 | Railway station <-> Industrial district
・5 interurban lines
・518 Fürstenau <-> Oberursel
・519 Fürstenau <-> Niederursel
・563 Gerolstein <-> Fürstenau
・R81 Rheinfelden <-> Gerolstein <-> Frauna <-> Kleinenberg
・581 Rheinfelden <-> Gerolstein <-> Frauna <-> Dössel <-> Willegassen <-> Kleinenberg
・2 night bus lines (on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays)
・Ax | Gerolstein north ring service
・Bx | Gerolstein south ring service
・A chrono event with 5 shuttle services to the Waldbühne and back with detailed service instructions and route maps.
・Various school feeder and swimming services
There should be something for everyone with 5 to 60-minute routes.
Now have fun exploring Gerolstein and the surrounding area  ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月07日:Neue Ansagen für Lemmental V3——列门塔尔V3地图新报站 引用框:The user @Domi.nik1203 presents you with new announcements for the map Lemmental V3!
These are based on the Busverkehr Rhein-Neckar GmbH (BRN), a subsidiary of DB Regio Bus Baden-Württemberg.
There is no stop request at the final stops to leave the vehicle, as the BRN has this in the ATRON AFR4 ticket printer via the special announcements tab.
The announcement gong comes from the user @ZugBus, and the announcement voice is "Anna" from the text to speech programme "vocalware".
Have fun  ☟下载
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★12月08日:RhönENERGIE Bus Repaintpack für den Citaro 2 vom Mx.dsgn——Mx.dsgn版C2卢恩能源巴士涂装包 引用框:The user @MittelWeserBus presents you with a repaint pack of the RhönEnergie Bus GmbH and VGF Verkehrsgesellschaft Region Fulda mbH from Fulda!
Hello my dear OMSI friends!
The RhönEnergie Bus GmbH is a subsidiary of RhönEnergie Fulda GmbH, founded in 2013 after the merge of Überlandwerke AG Fulda (ÜWAG) and the Gas- und Wasserversorgungs GmbH Fulda.
As a transport company with 226 buses and 10.4 million kilometres (in service) per year, it operates bus services in the entire district of Fulda, in parts of the district of Hersfeld-Rotenburg (including Stadtbus Bad Hersfeld) and in parts of the Main-Kinzig district (Bergwinkel um Schlüchtern).
15 repaints are included for the Mercedes-Benz Citaro 2 from Mx.dsgn.
≡ Features:
> Realistic advertisements and paintwork
> Repaints for solo, Ü, LE, LEÜ and articulated buses
> Original, partly self-constructed advertisements
> Original logos of the RhönENERGIE BUS and VGF
> Seating cushions based on real life buses
> Vehicle registration number [Please take note of the attached readme!]
The repaints are the result of hours and days of research and work. Therefore, reuploading it outside of the Webdisk is forbidden!
A huge thanks goes to clemens024, who supported me with the NVV repaints!
I hope you have fun with the repaints and happy holidays with your loved ones! 
Yours, Adrian
(aka MittelWeserBus) ☞点此预览
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★12月09日:M4dC0r3_Objekte & M4dC0r3_Streetobjects——街面建筑景物 引用框:@M4dC0r3 presents you today with his object pool of houses and street objects.
I have created 141 objects in the past few months. There are various shops, residential buildings, city centre buildings and also decorative objects such as toilets, packing stations or electricity boxes. Together it makes sure that every map looks more modern and less like Spandau.
An info to the map creators: You may upload the objects with your map. But only after prior arrangement with me via DM.
I hope you have fun!  ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月10日:Luminator-LED-Innenanzeige——车内LED信息屏 引用框:@DerGrafikfehler presents you with a "simple" one-/two-lined information display!
Further explanation is not needed. 
・One and two-lined text possible
・Various fonts
・Scrolling text
・"Bus stopping" when stop request is activated
・Changes to line+destination when doors are opened/released
Supported are:
・MAN NewLionsCity
・Mercedes C2 Pack from Mx200 (only neutral variants!)
・NEOMAN Overhaul
Due to various differences with the door and printer/IBIS scripts, only the "standard" scripts will be supported here. Any other printer or door scripts can cause problems. ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月11日:MAN SL200 Bowdenham Repaints——曼恩SL200鲍德嫩[sup][3][/sup]地图涂装包 引用框:@RiccardoInter presents you with various MAN SL200 repaints for the map Bowdenham! ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月12日:StaticVehicles Tram——静态有轨电车景物 引用框:@BowsyCh16 offers static objects to enhance your depots on your maps. These are two types of vehicle known as "Be4/4" and "Bt4/4" on the TN (Neuchâtel) network. The main difference is that the "Be" is fitted with a pantograph and two driver's cabs (so it can run on its own), while the "Bt" has no pantograph (just a driving trailer) and only one driver's cab. Both vehicles are used on metre gauge networks.
These vehicles are part of the "Tram 2000" family, which was very widespread in Switzerland in the early 90s. Zürich, Waldenburgerbahn and Neuchâtel are the main networks to have had this kind of vehicles (the Zürich series is currently being withdrawn). The vehicles from the Neuchâtel network were scrapped in 2020 (except for the Be4/4 504 and Bt4/4 554), those from the Waldenburgerbahn were exported to the Czech Republic (the Waldenburgerbahn's gauge was changed from 750mm to metric), and those from Zürich were sent to western Ukraine.
These static objects were originally intended from 2020 to be vehicles that you could drive. But the complexity of developing such vehicles, the withdrawal of the series after more than 35 years of service, the size of the trams in OMSI 2, the tight curves and many others, meant that this project was stopped. But today, these vehicles are making a comeback as customisable decorative objects for your maps!
These static objects are available in two versions: TN (Neuchâtel) original livery and neutral (white) for your liveries. For the scenery, the vehicles can be used on standard track (1435mm - no vehicles in reality) and metric track (1000mm).
Best regards ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月13日:Repaintpaket der Verkehrsgesellschaft Untermain / DB Untermainbus für den Kässbohrer Setra S315NF——凯斯鲍尔SetraS315NF下麦茵[sup][4][/sup]运输/DB下麦茵巴士涂装包 引用框:@da Krampus presents you with a repaint package of the Verkehrsgesellschaft Untermain or DB Untermainbus for the Kässbohrer Setra S315NF.
This repaint package contains a total of 41 different vehicles, which are made up as follows:
Setra S315NF 1+2+0 Euro 3:
・AB-VU 30, 31, 80, 81 and 82 (in traffic red, each as VU and DB Untermainbus)
Setra S315NF 2+2 Euro 2:
・AB-VU 10, 42, 43 and 45 (in house livery as Main-Spessart-Bus)
・F-VU 100, 118, 122, 126, 135, 140, 143, 162, 202, 220, 230, 269, 888, 907 and 979 (in white house livery as Rhein-Main-Bus with RMV lettering)
Setra S315NF 2+2 Euro 3:
・AB-VU 70, 71, 72, 78 (in traffic red, both as VU and DB Untermainbus)
・F-VU 662 and 666 (in traffic red as VU, with RMV lettering) ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月14日:KI-Autos Repaintpack——AI小车涂装包 引用框:@Roparius presents you with repaint packs for AI vehicles of both payware addons Berlin X10 and Hohenkirchen!
Both repaint packs contain various repaints for cars, vans/minibuses and trucks from the payware addons Berlin X10 and Hohenkirchen. The repaints are predominantly based on the original paint colours. ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月15日:VRR/KOER Repaints V4——莱茵—鲁尔运联(企业)「VRR/KöR」涂装包V4 引用框:@Palussl presents you with a repaint pack for the wide variety of vehicles from the VRR region!
Both full adverts as well as normal standard designs of the company are available. Because of the amount of buses there are, it is not possible to show pictures of all of them. Therefore I would suggest to download the pack and surprise yourself. The older version is also included in this pack.
+ a small extra: The V3 of my ROGIS repaint pack series:
Best regards Palussl+Merry Christmas
Support: https://reboot.omsi-webdisk.de/c ... uste-siehe-post-40/ ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月16日:Objekte (nicht nur) aus Schleswig-Holstein——施雷斯维希—霍尔石坦[sup][5][/sup]地区景物 引用框:The user @IREgio612 presents you today with objects (not only) from the real north of Germany.
Normally these objects were intended for a real, northern German map. Due to a lack of desire, the frustrating intersection editor and a lack of information/image material, I am now uploading them individually.
There is a bit of everything...
Please also take note of the file "Gewusst wie.pdf" in the download! This contains important information on how the objects work and which functions they have in general.
In the textures folder there is also a template folder, so that you can paint objects to your desires. ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月17日:Projekt VVR 23——VVR地图项目23版 引用框:@Wupper Media presents you with the Project VVR 23!
Welcome to the map Project VVR 23.
The VVR is a transport association founded by the 18 citizens of the cities "Kahle, Hasselbach, Rösbach & Hochberg".
At the beginning of 2022, a revised line network was decided together with the citizens. This was launched at the beginning of 2023.
On the map Project VVR 23, you can drive on 26 various lines, whether it is through the city, or rather through small villages, or a mix of both.
There is something for everyone on the Project VVR 23 map.
Changes PVR V1 -> PVR 23:
- 2 new depots (Schleiden, Radevormwald)
- A completely new line concept.
- Over ca. 30 km worth of new routes.
- Removal of many objects that are not available anymore.
- Various narrow places removed.
- Various detail improvements.
- Ca. 20 new repaints for the C2 from @Mx.dsgn (Mx200)
- and so much more!
Driveable lines:
231: Wermelskirchen, Im Felde <-> Schleiden Busb. (Journey time ca. 60 min)
331: Wermelskirchen, Stiller Winkel <-> Schleiden Busb. (Journey time ca. 60 Min)
335: Kahle, Kreishaus <-> Freilingsdorf (Journey time ca. 25 Min)
553: Wermelskirchen Busb. <-> Radevormwald, Sonnenhof (Journey time ca. 20 Min)
629: Kahle, Kreuzungen <-> Radevormwald, Verwaltungsinstitut (Journey time ca. 25 Min.)
634: Radevormwald Busb <-> Hasselbach Mitte (Journey time ca. 25 Min)
639: Hochberg, Kahlshöhe <-> Radevormwald, Verwaltungsinstitut (Journey time ca. 20 Min)
667: Kahle, Kreishaus <-> Rösbach, Klinikum (Journey time ca. 20. Min)
669: Kahle, Kreishaus <-> Delpbrück Tierpark (Journey time ca. 15 Min)
677: Hochberg, Kirchdorfweg <-> Rösbach, Klinikum (Journey time ca. 20 Min)
680: Kahle, Grenzwall <-> Wermelskirchen Busb. (Journey time ca. 25 Min)
911*: Hasselbach, Dassnöckel <-> Lindlar, Schulzentrum (Journey time ca. 25 Min)
939*: Kahle, Grenzwall <-> Radevormwald, Schulzentrum (Journey time ca. 15 Min)
971*: Kahle, Clemenshammer <-> Hasselbach , Schulzentrum (Journey time ca. 15 Min)
SB71: Hasselbach Mitte <-> Rösbach Klinikum (Journey time ca. 20 Min)
SB72: Reitberg Bf <-> Radevormwald Busb. (Journey time ca. 30 Min)
O1: Kahle, Clemenshammer <-> Kahle, Beyenburg (Journey time ca. 10 Min)
O10: Hasselbach, Schöller <-> Hasselbach, Dassnöckel (Journey time ca. 10 Min)
O11: Hasselbach Mitte <-> Hasselbach, Dasnöckel (Journey time ca. 10 Min)
O12: Hasselbach, Schöller <-> Froitzheim (Journey time ca. 20 Min)
O16: Wermelskirchen, Im Felde <-> Wermelskirchen, Heitbrücke (Journey time ca. 10 Min)
O18: Rösbach, Rösbacherplatz <-> Rösbach, Burg Marscheid (Journey time ca. 25 Min)
NE1: Kahle, Kreishaus <-> Wermelskirchen <-> Kahle, Kreishaus (Journey time ca. 25 Min)
NE2: Kahle, Kreishaus <-> Rösbach <-> Kahle, Kreishaus (Journey time ca. 35 Min)
NE3: Kahle, Kreishaus <-> Radevormwald <-> Kahle, Kreishaus (Journey time ca. 40 Min)
NE4: Kahle, Kreishaus <-> Hasselbach <-> Kahle, Kreishaus (Journey time ca. 20 Min)
*=Line operates only on school days. ☞点此查看线路图
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★12月18日:Volvo 7900H - Testbus Pack (& Warsaw)——沃尔沃7900H华沙测试车辆涂装包 引用框:User @Mati22 provides you with testbus Pack for Volvo 7900H from Hamburg Hafencity DLC today!
Repaints package focusing on the new Volvo 7900H tested in Poland in 2014-2019.
Before 2017, it was tested in various cities, but in 2017-2019 it was tested in Warsaw for two years, even getting a city livery. After 2019, the bus was purchased by MPK Kraków.
There are four repaints in the package:
・Factory from 2014-2017 (with fictitious registration)
・Warsaw #941 in base painting
・Warsaw #941 in the MZA Warszawa livery
・Additionally an articulated version based on the first skin
The buses have custom registrations - before placing the model, press the spacebar so that the original German registration does not appear. Thanks  ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月19日:VRN Repaint Pack——莱茵—涅卡运联「VRN」涂装包 引用框:Hello everyone!
@BusrepainterbyLeon96 offers you today a VRN livery pack for the Mercedes Benz C2 of mx200!
It contains the following vehicles and repaints from various companies:
・Ehrlich Touristik
・Reisebüro Mayer
・Germes Tours GmbH
・RNV Mannheim
・V-Bus Pack
・Palatina Bus GmbH
・C2 K
・Reisebüro Mayer
・C2 GN
・RNV Heidelberg
・V-Bus Pack
・DB Rhein-Neckar-Bus
・C2 €5 Solo
・Holger Tours
・C2 LE
Created with the help of @Ebou and @BusProfi2000.
If you find any errors, please let us know by sending us a private message. ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月20日:Caio Millennium II Cummins ISL 15M——巴西CAIO客车厂千禧Ⅱ康明斯ISL引擎15M巴士包 引用框:User @RedJoker Software provides you with the Millennium II Cummins Today!
- Fictional bus based on 2003 São Paulo standard.
- Equipped with a Cummins ISL 6 cylinder 8.9 with 304CV.
- Air conditioner and allison automatic gearbox with WTEC III puller.
- This bus also have doors on both sides, for corridor boarding, you can change the door opening sides pressing -
Technical specs:
Lenght: 15.00 M
External Width: 2.50 M
Internal Width: 2.35 M
Internal height: 2.14 M
Total Height: 3.35 M
Chassis: Custom made
Engine: Cummins ISL 304CV EURO II PROCONVE P-4
Torque: 1166Nm 1150-1600rpm
Gearbox: Allison B400R
Axles: Meritor.
Capacity: 43 seats and 50 standing
Body: Marcos Elias, RedJoker.
Sound: Dash5155, Diego S. R., Edsonv12, Gabriel Barbosa, Morphi, MTA3306, RedJoker and Wallace Machado.
Wheels: Victor Ortega e RedJoker.
Wipers: Gabriel Angelo modified by RedJoker.
Other parts: Marcos Elias, RedJoker, VH Pinturas and Victor Nathan.
Scripts: Diego S. R, Gabriel Barbosa, Marcos Elias, Marcos Henrique (ZANE), Morphi, MR Software, RedJoker and Wizard. ☞点此预览
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★12月21日:regiobus Hannover und ÜSTRA Repaint-Pack (C2, NEOMAN, NLC)——哈诺法[sup][6][/sup]区域公交「regiobus Hannover」以及能源工厂与有轨电车运输(玉施特拉)「ÜSTRA」涂装包 引用框:Today @busfahrerluca presents you with a repaint pack of the regiobus Hannover and ÜSTRA!
In the pack you will find repaints for the Mx C2s, the NEOMAN pack from Sobol and for the payware addon New MAN Lion‘s City.
Following repaints contain in the pack:
regiobus Hannover
- C2 E5 Solo
- C2 E5 Articulated
- C2 E6 Solo neutral, also as hybrid
- C2 E6 Solo sprintH, also as hybrid
- C2 E6 Articulated, also as hybrid
- H-RH 585 (C2 E6 Articulated with city front, ex demonstration vehicle)
- ÜSTRA-Reisen (ÜR) fleet no. 8861 (C2G hybrid)
- MAN A21 (EEV and E6, in reality A20 with double door)
- MAN A21 sprintH (E6, also with ÜR labelling)
- H-RH 888 (driving school bus, A21 E6)
- MAN A23 GÜ (EEV and E6)
- MAN A40 (only E6)
- MAN A40 sprintH (E6, also with ÜR labelling)
- MAN 12C (only as sprintH)
- MAN 19C (neutral and sprintH)
- C2 Solo 3T E6 (No.7611-7619, 7671-7674)
- C2 Bendy 4T E6 (No.8201-8229, 8271-8275)
- MAN A23 4-Door EEV (No.8401-8439, fleet no. 8401-8416 and 8418-8430 have an ÜR labelling)
- MAN A37 Hybrid E6 (No.7401-7434) ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月22日:Le Parc Bruyère——布吕耶尔[sup][7][/sup]公园地图 引用框:@BowsyCh16 today brings you a brand new semi-real / semi-fictional map: Le Parc Bruyère!
This map, which has been in development since 2021, is essentially interurban. The location is in the centre of France, but the names of the real places have been changed. What's more, the road signs are based on those in Germany.
The Parc Bruyère is a park located in the heart of the forest, far from the hustle and bustle of the 21st century city. It is a holiday park designed to offer guests the chance to spend time with friends and family in the heart of nature. This means that there is no car traffic inside the park, only on arrival and departure days.
Your tasks on this map are relatively simple:
・Inside the "Domain" (Parc Bruyère): Transporting passengers between the different areas of the domain. Each bus trip lasts between 18 and 20 minutes, and once the loop has been completed, the vehicle changes lines. So if you've just done line 1, you'll switch to line 2 and so on.
・Between Parc Bruyère and Villeneuve station: Transport passengers from the city to Parc Bruyère. These passengers may be holidaymakers or even Parc Bruyère employees.
・2 lines within the " arc" (Parc Bruyère) - 1 service per hour (the bus changes line after each "tour")
・1 interurban line between the Parc Bruyère and Villeneuve station - 1 connection every 30 minutes from 08:00 to 01:00.
・Map mainly created for small buses (MB Cito, MAN LC A47, Solaris Alpino, etc.) for routes inside the Parc Bruyère.
・Map mainly created for "interurban" buses (MB Citaro Ü, MAN A40 GÜ, etc.) for journeys outside the Parc Bruyère.
・Possibility of adding urban lines based on feedback from the map (stops not served by the shuttle bus between the town and Parc Bruyère).
・Possibility of adding a small tourist train based on feedback from the map (the railway lines you see as you leave the town).
We ask you to pay particular attention to the following points:
・The payware "Bad Hügelsdorf" add-on is required to operate the map.
・Given that this is one of the first 'bus' type maps made available by @BowsyCh16 (excluding the Gråkallbanen map, which is a 'tram' type map), the IA buses are not fully operational, but the services you can use are fully functional. Due to time constraints, it has not been possible to fully rectify this fault in time for the card to be issued. If anyone would like to help resolve this problem, they are most welcome!
・Given all the work that has been done to create this map and to respect all the efforts that have been undertaken today, it is strictly forbidden to share it on other web sites.
Fun facts:
・During 2023, two videos were made on the map, which was then under construction. The first, in January 2023, focuses on the interior of the park, while while the second, in October 2023, focuses on the interurban line. Obviously, what you see in these videos is not completely finished, so there are big differences with the final product.
We hope you enjoy the map, and wish you all the very best for the Christmas season with your friends, colleagues and family.
A thread will be created once the map will be available with the other common files (filebase). If you have any problems with the map, please wait until the topic has been created (no PMs as I don't reply to many of them). ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月23日:Repaintpack——涂装包 引用框:The project Halle/Saale SR 2023, including @Johnsko present you with a small repaint pack from the Saale district!
We have created a small repaint pack of OBS, the Omnibusbetrieb Saalekreis, for you. The OBS is a company from Bitterfeld under the Vetter Group and has been serving Halle and the surrounding area for decades.
Included are several repaints and advertisements of current and former vehicles.
of which are...:
Citaro I G CNG
Citaro II
Citaro II Ü
Citaro II G
Citaro II GÜ
We hope you have fun with the repaints and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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★12月24日:Liestal V3——利斯塔尔V3地图 引用框:@HN-VB 6061 and @Oleks K. bring you today the map Liestal V3.
This map is an evolution of the Liestal V2 map. Many of the old areas have been significantly reworked and more new areas have been added. Four companies allow you to explore the two major cities of Liestal and Solingen including their surrounding areas. There's something for everyone, from large junctions with lots of traffic lights in the town centres to picturesque landscapes in the countryside.
・New line concept
・More than 600 tiles
・20 day lines and 7 night lines
・Two large towns, several small villages
・Detailed traffic system
・Double the map size compared to V2
・own crossings with priority and night-time switching
・Various paintings
The following companies operate in the Liestal and Solingen areas:
・Liestaler Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB): LVB operates all the one- and two-digit lines, mainly serving the urban area of Liestal and the surrounding localities with a very dense network of lines.
・Preißer Verkehrsbetriebe: Preißer operates mainly in Solingen and the surrounding area on route 600. Preißer is one of the few companies in Germany to have MB Capacity and bi-articulated buses in its fleet.
・Schmidt Reisen: Schmidt Reisen is mainly a Preißer subcontractor, but also has its own line concession for line 665 and boasts a highly varied fleet of vehicles.
・DB Regiobus Liesmitz: Deutsche Bahn mainly operates smaller routes in the surrounding area, but has also held the concession for line 662 for some time.
You can see more pictures of the map in the dedicated showroom.
Liestal V3 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览 ☞点此预览
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[1] Grefrath [ˈɡreːfraːt] 推断 Krefrath [ˈkreːfraːt]
[2] Gerolstein [ˈɡeːʁɔlˌʃtaɪ̯n]
[3] Bodenham <英> /ˈbəʊdənəm/ 推断 Bowdenham /ˈbəʊdənəm/
[4] Main [ˈmaɪ̯n]
[5] Schleswig-Holstein [ˌʃleːsvɪç ˈhɔlʃtaɪ̯n]
[6] Hannover [haˈnoːfɐ]
[7] Bruyère <法> [ˈbʁɥijɛʁ]