This is the
2.7.0 update. This mod is a community project.The wonderful work of
storm348 and
BahnFan2014 was integrated into the mod, making this a community effort.Anyone who has ideas
implemented (that means already coded and working) that make the model better are very welcome to suggest them into this project, and maybe they will be integrated into the next update!
I know I said before that I won't be updating this model anymore, but as the new models are taking longer than I thought arriving, I figured I'll tweak this one some more for now.
All sounds in this mod are completely redone, using especially recorded new sounds in tandem with some of krtz07's ZF sounds. The variants of the bus are now as follows:
- O405N2 U (Regional) - Uses the 250hp turbocharged engine, with a ZF 5HP-592 gearbox. Max speed - 100kph.
- O405N2 (City) - Uses the 250hp turbocharged engine, with a ZF 5HP-500 gearbox. Max speed - around 80kph.
- O405N2 (Older) - Uses the 210hp naturally aspirated engine, with a ZF-5HP-500 gearbox. Max speed - about 90kph.
Since I have little experience with the O405N2, as we don't have them here, I based my performance tweaks on a couple of O405's: the "New" variant is based on a 1997 O405 MkII (which is turbocharged), and the "Older" version is based on a 1993 O405 MkI, which is not turbocharged. The engine sounds are now separate, recorded off their respective prototypes.版權:Original Model: rostock4ever, Darek59
Engine sounds, other sounds, tuning, project integration: jay_zhead
ZF Transmission scripts and sounds: krtz07
Door script: Storm348
Kneeling Script: BahnFan2014
Special thanks to Jacky Bar-Lev, the driver who helped us record the sounds of the buses.