我翻译完之后的确很多句子重新改过一变没错。而且对哪些长段文字绝对没有草草了事,大家都是支援站的同样,也是百度好友。这件事就当没发生过.另外 想看你所有翻译的句子很简单
这些是我翻译的。我看了整整一下午 没看出来那句话我翻译的和机器一样,除非我英语水平退回三年级.你想看你自己翻译的直接在URL最后“=”后面改成你的ID
就这段话而言 我看了你的翻译 对比了一下 就两处不同 其他意思说都是一样的. 我直接加粗表示..
Since 2003, Scania has arranged competitions all over the world to focus on the
single entity that can increase road safety, minimise the environmental impact from vehicle emissions and increase fuel efficiency: the truck driver. To date, more than
100,000 drivers of heavy trucks have participated in Scania Driver Competitions, making it the world's largest truck driver competition and training event
本帖最後由 CheetahX 於 2012-6-4 18:42 編輯 ]