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【来源】:Project Scandinavia Refresh

Today, we're delighted to share with you a little more information about a project we have been working on for a while, the Scandinavia DLC Refresh. We have hinted at its existence during our recent Special Christmas 2024 Live Stream, so we thought we may just as well explain what it is all about. The motivation for starting this project was to bring the existing Scandinavia DLC content closer to our current standards, so that when you pass through it on the way to the new region covered by Nordic Horizons DLC, the difference is not too abrupt.
今天,我们很高兴与大家分享我们一直在努力的项目--“斯堪的纳维亚 DLC 更新”的更多信息。我们在最近的 “2024 圣诞特别直播 ”中已经暗示过这个项目的存在,因此我们认为也可以解释一下它到底是怎么回事。启动这个项目的动机是让现有的斯堪的纳维亚 DLC 内容更接近我们当前的标准,这样当您在前往北欧地平线 DLC 所覆盖的新地区的途中经过斯堪的纳维亚时,就不会感受到太大的差距。

As one of our most popular and oldest expansions for ETS2, with over 5 million copies sold, we wanted to refresh the Scandinavia DLC to bring the region closer in quality with our newer additions. The ambition is not a total rework, but we aim for an extensive touch up, a “reskin” of the region with updated textures and technology. This will create a smoother driving transition for players travelling between the Scandinavia DLC and our upcoming Nordic Horizons DLC.
斯堪的纳维亚 DLC 是 欧洲卡车模拟2 中最受欢迎、历史最悠久的扩展之一,已售出超过 500 万份。我们的目标不是完全重做,而是对该地区进行大范围的润色和 “换肤”,更新纹理和技术。这将为在斯堪的纳维亚 DLC 和即将推出的北欧地平线 DLC 之间旅行的玩家带来更顺畅的驾驶体验。

What changes and additions are coming with this project? Our rework team is hard at work reskinning the region with updated materials for vegetation, road textures, various assets, and more. We are also creating and adding a few new rest stops and fuel stations along the road network, along with new and updated road junctions.

While some places will only receive cosmetic improvements, some places will be reworked from ground up. Want an example? We are excited to share that the team will be reworking the capital city of Denmark, Copenhagen! As with previous rework projects, the older version of the city will be removed and rebuilt from scratch. This is undoubtedly a significant task for the team, but the end result should be well worth the time and effort!

We look forward to sharing more information and screenshots from our progress of refreshing the Scandinavia DLC for Euro Truck Simulator, which will ultimately come as a free update to all owners of this map expansion.
我们期待着分享更多信息和截图,这些信息和截图来自于我们为《欧洲卡车模拟器》刷新斯堪的纳维亚 DLC 的进展,最终将作为免费更新提供给该地图扩展的所有用户。

[ 因為電腦配置不行,所以本帖最後由 LeoLe1040 於 1919-08-10 11:45:14 編輯 ]

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