
[OMSI 2] 【翻译】Studio Polygon更新动态:录制Renown素材

【翻译】Studio Polygon更新动态:录制Renown素材

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转自 SP 官方主页:

“发稿前日,制作组取得一次特别机会,前往记录 Firstbus 所剩无几的英国 Renown 巴士。这台 Renown 还是首次被 NHS(英国医疗部门)定制,用于疫苗服务 — 图中可见车内外的巨大改变。

制作组表示成功录制到极佳的 ZF 音频,将很快应用在游戏中。不过,录制 B9TLs 素材遇到阻碍:Gemini 1出现一些奇怪响声,Gemini 2被限制转速 — 还好其他场站仍有没锁定转速的!”


Since we haven't made a post in quite some time - a quick update on the upcoming projects for you all!
Yesterday we had a very unique opportunity to record one of the last Renowns in the entirety of Firstbus and the only NHS branded Renown that issued vaccines to hundreds of people in the South West - W381 EOW.

A very, very odd spec, it was a trainer before, and now it's been once again converted for other uses - this time to issue vaccines, so all the interior was stripped, with only a few seats, and the rear completely transformed.

We recorded it and got some brilliant ZF sounds that'll be put in-game shortly - it also allowed us to get some last bits needed for the pack - a big announcement regarding the Renown very soon.

We also tried to record some B9TLs but the Gemini 1s were chugging away something different, and the Gemini 2's were rev limited despite trying our known workarounds - we have other depots to go to where they're unlocked though!

Would you like to see W381 EOW replicated in its current form in OMSI?

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