【介绍】:之前大家一致认为非常狗屎的MX C2的声音补丁(虽然转过来有点晚)。
安装前注意备份原版,建议单独复制一份车并重命名安装。此补丁不适配K++插件!! 引用框:
ENG : I have the MX C2 modded with the Sounds from Morpheus
Hope you like the sound mod
little advice from me copy your MX C2 and nament him in MB_C2_EN and in the bus files C2 Modded then you still have the original and my mod.
【版权】:作者(如果不知道作者,请填写原始网址):声音:Morpheus 适配: Edinos1
本帖最後由 不是我哦 於 2024-6-15 13:44 編輯 ]