park adds new game trailers (Kögel, Fliegl, Böse, Närko, Lamberet, Chereau, schmitz, Bodex, Fruehauf, Schwarzmüller, Wielton, Kassbohrer, Rolfo, Aydeniz, d tec, Samro, krone, Pacton, Ekeri, Goldhofer, Kröger, Nooteboom, sommer, Estepe, fontaine, McLendon, Kr ampe, Kempf, Kotte, Panav, NTM, hrd, Galtrailer, Langendorf, Michieletto, Groenewegen, Chmzap, Maz, Nefaz, Szap, Odaz and others), new goods, new trailers in traffic.
new goods are added to the company for all the popular maps.
all stipulated separately, not replace it.
works on any maps.
for the version of 1.33.x
includes english and russian versions.
compatible with all my паками except park низкорамников and platforms.
for the russian version in the mou should be four files:
trailers _ and _ cargo _ pack _ by _ Jazzycat _ v7.4.2 _ part1.scs
trailers _ and _ cargo _ pack _ by _ Jazzycat _ v7.4.2 _ part2.scs
trailers _ and _ cargo _ pack _ by _ Jazzycat _ v7.4.2 _ part3.scs
trailers _ and _ cargo _ pack _ by _ Jazzycat _ v7.4.2 _ rus.scs
attention. the dimensions of some models exceed the standard. the improvised maps could be a problem in the narrow / low field. carefully back to the planning route)
pack in game adds 170 new models of trailers (different trailers by Kögel, Fliegl, Böse, Närko, Lamberet, Chereau, schmitz, Bodex, Wielton, Fruehauf, Schwarzmüller, Kassbohrer, Rolfo, d tec, Samro, krone, Pacton, Ekeri, Goldhofer, Kröger, Aydeniz, Nooteboom, sommer, Estepe, fontaine, McLendon, Krampe, Kotte, Panav, Kempf, NTM, hrd, Galtrailer, Langendorf, Michieletto, Groenewegen, Chmzap, Maz, Nefaz, Szap, Tonar, Odaz, Becema and others), 692 new cargo, and traffic trailers and about 3000 skins.
new cargo added to 397 companies for all popular maps.
all standalone.
works on any maps
for versions 1.33.x
Included english and english versions.
Compatible with all my small enough to send, and overweight trailers pack
for english version you must have in the mod folder or files.
trailers _ and _ cargo _ pack _ by _ Jazzycat _ v7.4.2 _ part1.scs
trailers _ and _ cargo _ pack _ by _ Jazzycat _ v7.4.2 _ part2.scs
trailers _ and _ cargo _ pack _ by _ Jazzycat _ v7.4.2 _ part3.scs
trailers _ and _ cargo _ pack _ by _ Jazzycat _ v7.4.2 _ eng.scs
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