東京地下鐵副都心線10000系 ... ...
健 康
超级贵宾 (SVIP)
- 會員編號
- 255096
- 帖子總數
- 2816
- 下载积分
- 404810 分
- 膜仔通汇
- 8831 先令
- 註冊日期
- 2014-11-17
发布时间 2016-1-28 18:23
【介紹/SaveGame Description】
This is a savegame for ETS2 beginners. Perfect if you want to play ETS2MP (Multiplayer Mod), but it works for singleplayer too.
* Level 36 (all skill points are maxed out so you can have the widest selection of jobs)
* 等級36(全技能解鎖)
* 20.000.000€ Cash (so you can buy any trucks you want and dont have to worry about crashing and repair costs)
* 資金20000000歐元(可以在聯機時有更多的修車費用。)
* All truck dealers are unlocked (Volvo in London, Scania in Hannover, Mercedes-Benz in Stuttgart, MAN in Munich, Renault in Paris, DAF in Amsterdam and Iveco in Frankfurt/Main)
* 全經銷商發現(富豪經銷商—倫敦、斯堪尼亞經銷商—漢諾威、梅賽德斯賓士總部—斯圖加特、MAN猛獅總部—慕尼黑、雷諾總部—巴黎、DAF總部—阿姆斯特丹、依維柯經銷商—法蘭克福)
* Starting city is Stuttgart, Germany
* 玩家總部位于斯圖加特
* This savegame DOES NOT require any DLC, you can use it with the basic game (or with any DLC you might have)
* 本存檔不需要任何DLC即可使用。
* Tested with ETS2 version (should work for all versions)
* 建議使用1.22.2.6s以上版本。
【使用方法/How to use】:
Just extract the ZIP-file and copy the folder inside to “My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/profiles”.
直接將zip文件解壓到"C:\Users\用戶名\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\profiles"文件夾。
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[ 本帖最後由 新宿三丁目 於 2016-1-28 18:33 編輯 ]