
[待解決] Kalsburg V2.0正式版德语进去蓝天白云


Kalsburg V2.0正式版德语进去蓝天白云

模载上提供的Kalsburg V2.0正式版下载地址下完后解压到目录后进游戏却是蓝天白云,不知是怎么回事?附上 logfile
logfile.txt (11.55 KB)

2019-11-10 22:08, 下載次數: 141

94 19:34:57 -  -   Error:           The file "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\116_S?ldorf_IKEA.ttr" could not be loaded!
95 19:34:57 -  -   Error:           The file "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\526 Lauersdorf Kirche - S?dorfer Wenderplatz.ttr" could not be loaded!
96 19:34:57 -  -   Error:           The file "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\526 S?dorfer Wendeplatz - Lauersdorf Kirche.ttr" could not be loaded!
97 19:34:57 -  -   Error:           The file "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\6 Wendemuthstra? - Wilhelm Kaiser Platz.ttr" could not be loaded!
98 19:34:57 -  -   Error:           The file "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\6 Wendemuthstra?.ttr" could not be loaded!
99 19:34:57 -  -   Error:           The file "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\116_IKEA_S?ldorf.ttp" could not be loaded!
100 19:34:57 -  -   Error:           The file "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\116_S?ldorf_IKEA.ttp" could not be loaded!
101 19:34:58 -  -   Error:           The file "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\526 Lauresdorf Kirche - S?dorfer Wendeplatz.ttp" could not be loaded!
102 19:34:58 -  -   Error:           The file "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\526 S?dorfer Wendeplatz - Lauersdorf Kirche.ttp" could not be loaded!
103 19:34:58 -  -   Error:           The file "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\6 Wendemuthstra? - Wilhelm Kaiser Platz.ttp" could not be loaded!
104 19:34:58 -  -   Error:           The file "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\6 Wilhelm-Kaiser-Platz - Wndemuthstra?.ttp" could not be loaded!
105 19:34:58 -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\526.ttl", tour Mo-Sa 1 has at least one invalid trip index (Nr. 1)!
106 19:34:58 -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\526.ttl", tour So 1 has at least one invalid trip index (Nr. 1)!
107 19:34:58 -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\7.ttl", tour 91 Mo-Fr: Entry 39 begins before previous entry ends!
108 19:34:58 -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\7.ttl", tour 92 Mo-Fr: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
109 19:34:58 -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\7.ttl", tour 93 Mo-Fr: Entry 39 begins before previous entry ends!
110 19:34:58 -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\7.ttl", tour 94 Mo-Fr: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
111 19:34:58 -  -     Warning:       Line "maps\Kalsburg V2.0 Final\TTData\9.ttl", tour 31 Sa has no valid AI group index and is invalid!

根据的你的描述和日志文件 应该是非unicode问题


  • OMSID94 膜仔通汇 +2 2019-11-13 12:57 助人爲樂

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