
[截图] RAS test in Paddington (Specially thanks 711tkh, Pun LLer and ZP 4098)

RAS test in Paddington (Specially thanks 711tkh, Pun LLer and ZP 4098)

準備測試(相片由 711tkh 提供)

測試進行中(相片由玩緊 Love Live Score Match 既潘先生提供)

成功!(相片繼續由玩緊 Love Live Score Match 既潘先生提供)

於邊寧道總站休息(相片由等緊車既 ZP 4098 提供)

車輛:Alexander Dennis Enviro 500 MMC with RAS Addon by BoYgod Studio
城市:M Valley 2.041

711tkh+ZP 4098 =o)
Btw 最尾幅相嘅版權係4O98ZP所有