
[欧卡2/美卡] 欧卡西巴尔干DLC:边境口岸-2



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【来源】:Euro Truck Simulator 2 - West Balkans - Border Crossing #2 - Steam 新闻 (steampowered.com) 

Last month, we shared a blogpost containing information and previews of Border Crossings in our upcoming West Balkans DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2. With 30 crossings in total, we couldn't fit them all in just one blogpost! Today we are happy to share with you even more screenshots of unique border control points found across this in development DLC, we hope you don't mind! 
上个月,我们分享了一篇博文,其中包含了欧洲卡车模拟器2即将推出的西巴尔干地区DLC中的过境点的信息和预览。总共有30个过境点,我们无法在一篇博文中把它们全部放进去! 今天,我们很高兴与您分享更多在开发中的DLC中发现的独特的边境控制点的截图,希望您不要介意! 

In the first blogpost, we shared that our map and asset teams have constructed these crossings as realistically as possible. These regions contain some very unique and sometimes unusual border control areas which can be sometimes difficult to obtain information or references about, due to their sensitive nature. 

 However, we feel it is important to be able to represent these areas, even if some of the border points are part of the Schengen area and do not require stopping. 

As you can see, the size of these control points varies quite drastically! From the large crossing between Horgos & Röszke to the small one located in the valley between Vardiste & Kotroman; but each has its own important purpose. 
正如你所看到的,这些检查点的规模差异相当大 从霍尔果斯和罗兹克之间的大型口岸到位于瓦尔迪斯特和科特罗曼之间山谷的小型口岸;但每一个都有其重要的目的。

We are looking forward to you visiting all these wonderful and unique countries that can be found in the West Balkans DLC. Until then, keep an eye on our socials for all the latest news, and be sure to add the DLC to your Steam Wishlist if you haven't done so already. 


[ 本帖最后由 LeoLe1215 于 2023-1-13 08:58 编辑 ]

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