
[欧卡2/美卡] 欧卡1.53版本进展:德国重制

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【来源】:1.53 Update: Germany Rework

Yes, you read that correctly! Today we're happy to share with you a preview into the next phase of the Germany Rework for Euro Truck Simulator 2, which is currently planned to be completed for the 1.53 update. This phase features several cities from across Germany, each which have been completely reworked from the ground up. Let's take a closer look, shall we?
是的,您没有看错!今天,我们很高兴与大家分享《欧洲卡车模拟器 2》德国重做下一阶段的预览,目前计划在 1.53 版本更新时完成。本阶段将展示德国境内的多个城市,每个城市都从头开始进行了全面改造。让我们仔细看看,好吗?


Welcome to the Capital of Bavaria! Best known for its annual Oktoberfest celebrations and its numerous architectural & cultural attractions, it is the third largest city in Germany. When reworking this city, we paid close attention to the real life layout of the road network and junctions which truck drivers use to enter and leave the city, and recreated them to the best of our ability and scale limits.

Whilst truck drivers will be unable to visit the historical part of München (for now...), drivers will find a completely new industry area located north of the western junction (Roads 99/304), which features a new garage and new truck dealers. This includes a very well known car manufacturer which has its HQ here, which is featured alongside some new and existing landmarks.
虽然卡车司机(目前......)无法访问慕尼黑的历史街区,但司机们会发现一个全新的工业区位于西部交界处(99/304 号公路)以北,这里有一个新的修车厂和新的卡车经销商。其中包括一家非常知名的汽车制造商,其总部就设在这里,这里还有一些新的和现有的地标性建筑。


Mannheim is the city of inventions! As the birthplace of the car, the bicycle and the tractor, it continues to be a centre of innovation and progress today. Because of this, the city has a rich cultural and economic heritage. You won't only find the city reworked, but also the whole surrounding area. This includes the addition of a part of the Bundesautobahn 6.
曼海姆是一座发明之城!作为汽车、自行车和拖拉机的诞生地,曼海姆至今仍是创新和进步的中心。因此,这座城市拥有丰富的文化和经济遗产。在这里,您不仅能看到城市的改造,还能看到整个周边地区的改造。其中包括联邦 6 号高速公路的一部分。

Industry-wise, you'll find the HQ of the largest chemical producer in the world, and a petroleum industry location. We've also added in the north-west a new junction which now leads to the L527 road. With this addition, our rework team was also able to squeeze in the village of Maxdorf. You'll also find some familiar roads and industries which have been reworked, such as the R1 road which leads to the sawmill and quarry.
在工业方面,您将看到世界上最大的化工生产商的总部和一个石油工业基地。我们还在西北部增加了一个新的路口,该路口现在通往 L527 公路。有了这个新增的路口,我们的改建团队还挤进了马克斯多夫村。您还会发现一些熟悉的道路和工业也进行了改造,例如通往锯木厂和采石场的 R1 道路。


Arts, culture, music and more, Leipzig has it all! Whilst a relatively small city, there is still plenty for truckers to explore here, including a variety of historical landmarks, including the Opera House, which was opened in 1693, the University of Leipzig, which is one of the world's oldest universities and the the Leipzig Hauptbahnhof (Train Station), which at the time of its opening was one of the largest in the world!
艺术、文化、音乐等等,莱比锡应有尽有!虽然莱比锡是一个相对较小的城市,但这里仍有许多值得卡车司机探索的地方,包括各种历史地标,其中包括 1693 年建成的歌剧院、世界上最古老的大学之一莱比锡大学以及莱比锡火车站,该火车站在建成时是世界上最大的火车站之一!

If you're living in Europe and received a package, chances are that it has travelled through Leipzig Airport! As one of the top four cargo hubs in Europe, thanks to its round-the-clock operations, its freight volume totals more than 1.4 million tons a year. We're happy to have the opportunity to include this major delivery point for our players in this rework.
如果您住在欧洲并收到过包裹,那么包裹很可能经过了莱比锡机场!作为欧洲四大货运枢纽之一,莱比锡机场昼夜不停地运转,每年的货运量超过 140 万吨。我们很高兴能有机会将这一重要的货物交付点纳入此次重制中。


As the capital of the Saxony, Dresden has a variety of museums, historical relics and features some of the most fantastic Baroque architecture in Germany. Our team has reworked the city and the road network which truckers most frequently use around it. You'll find plenty of landmarks in the area, as well as art murals which can be found on the viaducts across Dresden.

Economy-wise, the team concentrated mostly on industries found in and around the Port of Dresden. This of course includes the river port too. We hope you like the work and detail that has been put into this historical, but bustling city!

We really hope you enjoyed this preview into the major rework that is being undertaken by the team, be sure to let them know what you think of their work so far on our Social Media channels, we'd love to hear from you. However, there is still one more city which we've yet to cover, BE sure to keep an eye out for a future blog, because it's gonna be big. Bis zum nächsten Mal!



[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1040 於 1919-08-10 11:45:14 編輯 ]

[ 本帖最後由 LeoLe1215 於 2024-10-17 10:59 編輯 ]

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