多谢你的通知了,其实早先就已经知道该插件即将放出的消息了呵呵,不过,本人希望大家伙尽可能购买正版插件,这既是对于该插件作者辛勤劳动成果的应有回报和欣赏,也是尊重版权和知识产权的积极表现,特此声明,希望予以采纳,多谢了!!!I suggest you might purchase legal/legitimate/copyrighted software here(it refers to OMSI2 expansion addons),this is just for the authors' hard work in return necessarily/positively,and this is the positive expression or behavior of respect for copyright and intellectual property rights,hereby declare,I hope you might take the advice,thank you for your support here!!!See you later,Good luck *^_^* Sincerely yours/Best regards/Kindly regards