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'LLLAAA', 'authorid' => '351668', 'subject' => 'ProMods2.73a 修复 v1.8', 'dateline' => '1737228889', 'lastpost' => '1738377721', 'lastposter' => 'roylic', 'views' => '432', 'replies' => '71', 'displayorder' => '0', 'highlight' => 'style="font-weight: bold;color: rgba(254, 102, 102, 1)"', 'digest' => '1', 'rate' => '1', 'blog' => '0', 'special' => '0', 'attachment' => '0', 'subscribed' => '0', 'moderated' => '1', 'closed' => '0', 'itemid' => '0', 'supe_pushstatus' => '0', 'sgid' => '0', 'msgnotify' => '0', 'mbfrom' => 'Win11', 'name' => '「地图mod」', 'view_subject' => 'ProMods2.73a 修复 v1.8', 'date' => '2025-1-19 03:34', 'lastreplytime' => '2025-2-1 10:42', 'authors' => 'LLLAAA', ), ); $poststar = array ( 0 => array ( 'num' => '26', 'authorid' => '550955', 'author' => 'CA苍羽', 'autitl' => 'CA苍羽', ), 1 => array ( 'num' => '12', 'authorid' => '550965', 'author' => '380-嘉铭园', 'autitl' => '380-嘉铭园', ), 2 => array ( 'num' => '10', 'authorid' => '461011', 'author' => 'who1is2me3', 'autitl' => 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