
[OMSI 2] OMSI Studio Polygon7月8日动态

OMSI Studio Polygon7月8日动态

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Time for another update!

A few weeks ago we asked the members of our Discord server any questions they have relating to the Renown pack, and we'll later answer them on our Facebook page - and here we are.

The first question everyone is thinking: when will it be released? Good try, but you'll find out later down the line!

A lot of the questions were regarding sounds - so we'll address those first.

Q: Will there be different soundsets?
A: Yes, there will be many different soundsets, from different handbrake/doors (as we currently do now) and different exterior/interior engine sounds. Ranging from R reg to W reg recordings, all variants of the Renown through the years will have their own soundset and sound different!

Q: Will there be a fan belt squeal?
A: Yes, based on specific conditions, the fan belt will squeal.

Q: Will it have a cooling fan?
A: Yes, if hot enough, the cooling fan will come on - and it's loud. "Hoover" could be used to describe it.

Q: Will it have different indicator sounds?
A: Yes, different variants through the years and training versions will have different indicator sounds.

The next lot of questions were mainly relating to variants, so those next.

Q: Will there be a training variant?
A: Yes, and not just 1 either - it might be the first dedicated training bus for UK OMSI!

Q: Will there be variations of the Transdev headlights?
A: Yes - the Transdev variants will have an option for the current headlight options.

Q: Will there be a Dual Door spec?
A: Yes - the dual door Renowns Go Ahead had will be included in the back - but don't mistake this for a London variant as London didn't have a single Renown.

Q: How many total combinations could be made based on all the variants and setvars?
A: Almost every single one *ever*.

The final load of questions were mostly just general questions without a specific category.

Q: When will it be shown on the website?
A: It'll be shown on the website closer to release.

Q: Cadet?!
A: This is a Renown pack only, it won't include B10Bs, Cadets, Commanders, B6BLEs - anything that isn't a B10BLE won't be included. That isn't to say that there will be a VDL or Classics pack in the future, though.

Q: What are the planned repaints on release?
A: Besides the Studio Polygon repaints, we aim to include a repaint for every company that we include a variant with.

Q: London variant?
A: Renowns never existed inside London, so not at this time, no.

Q: Will it include the Ticketer?
A: Yes!

Q: What ticket machines will be included?
A: As you've seen, there's a new Wayfarer 3 coming, and of course, the Ticketer - keep watching for new ticket machines in previews.

Q: To what extent would it be able to be specified as both full modern standards?
A: It will include the Ticketer, and LED Hanover displays, and the various DDA mods they got - so you'll be able to depict "brand new" and "today" spec.

Q: Gasket Renown?
A: Yes - have a look at a couple of previews included in this post of the upcoming Arriva V DFT variant.

Q: Will there be setvar for mixing destination blinds. Such as Flipdot number and Rollblind destination?
A: Yes - the destination setvars are endless and they'll need their own post in the future to show how many setvars there are.

Q: Will there be Hanover variants included? Plus different configurations of dests such as blinds and flipdot together on the front display.
A: Yes, from flipdot to LED on front/side/rear to rollblinds, every display type possible is available on the Renown.

If you have a question that hasn't been answered, ask it below and we'll try and get back to you!

We've also included a small preview of the upcoming Arriva spec - now with a huge offside advert suggested by Rhys Stirling and the addition of an electric ramp - pretty high spec for the time!

Don't forget to join our Discord server for even more updates! https://discord.gg/CM4w4rG

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Q: 会有不同的音响吗?
A: 是的,将会有许多不同的声音集,来自不同的手刹/车门(正如我们现在所做的那样)和不同的外部/内部发动机声音。从R reg到W reg录音,这些年来,所有知名的变体都会有自己的声音集,声音也会有所不同!
Q: 风扇皮带会发出尖叫声吗?
A: 是的,根据具体情况,风扇皮带会发出尖叫声。
Q: 它有冷却风扇吗?
A: 是的,如果足够热,冷却风扇就会启动,而且声音很大。“胡佛”可以用来形容它。
Q: 它会有不同的指示器声音吗?
A: 是的,多年来不同的变体和训练版本将有不同的指示音。
Q: 是否会有训练变体?
A: 是的,不仅仅是一辆——它可能是英国OMSI的第一辆专用培训车!
Q: Transdev前灯会有变化吗?
A: 是-Transdev变型将具有当前前照灯选项的选项。
Q: 会有双门规格吗?
A: 是的-双门知名度继续前进已经将包括在后面-但不要误认为这是伦敦的变体,因为伦敦没有一个单一的知名度。
Q: 基于所有变体和setvars,总共可以进行多少组合?
A: 几乎每一个。
Q: 它什么时候会出现在网站上?
A: 它将在发布前的网站上显示。
Q: 学员?!
A: 这是一个名气包,它将不包括B10B,学员,指挥官,B6BLEs-任何不是B10BLE将不包括在内。不过,这并不是说未来会有VDL或Classics软件包。
Q: 发布时计划重新绘制什么?
A: 除了Studio多边形重绘之外,我们的目标是为每个包含变体的公司添加重绘。
Q: 伦敦变体?
A: 伦敦内部从来没有名气,所以现在没有。
Q: 包括票务吗?
A: 是的!
Q: 包括哪些售票机?
A: 正如你所看到的,新的Wayfarer 3即将面世,当然还有售票机——继续关注预告片中的新售票机。
Q: 它在多大程度上能够被指定为两个完整的现代标准?
A: 它将包括票务,汉诺威LED显示屏,以及他们得到的各种DDA模块-因此你将能够描述“全新”和“今天”的规格。
Q: 垫片知名度?
A: 是的-看看这篇文章中包含的几个预览,它们是即将推出的Arriva V DFT变体。
Q: 混合目的地盲板是否有setvar。例如Flipdot编号和卷帘目的地?
A: 是的-目标SetVar是无限的,他们将来需要自己的帖子来显示有多少SetVar。
Q: 是否包括汉诺威变型?加上不同配置的分布式存储系统,如前显示屏上的百叶窗和flipdot。
A: 是的,从flipdot到前部/侧面/后部的LED,再到卷帘,每种可能的显示类型都可以在名牌上找到。


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原帖由 玖捌陆捌叁 于 2022-7-9 21:23 发表
每个人都在思考的第一个问题:它什么时候发布?很 ...

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