
[OMSI 2] 一些OMSI未來會有的東西





5.右軚地圖(Left hand drive maps)






回復 #楼主 的帖子


原帖由 2000005688 於 2012-12-1 13:25 發表


原帖由 2000005688 於 2012-12-1 13:25 發表
原帖由 过路的 於 2012-12-1 13:34 發表



[ 本帖最後由 尼斯2012 於 2012-12-1 14:01 編輯 ]


原帖由 hkt117 於 2012-12-1 01:17 PM 發表

5.右軚地圖(Left hand drive maps)

軚地圖=LEFT Hand drive map???

It should be Right Hand Drive Map (RHD)!!!

聯絡方式(點擊連結並留下用戶名稱):法務部連結 / Telegram / QQ




右駄是Right Hand Drive,Left Hand Traffic。


(Y) - already considered / Probable / already done
(?) - We don't know...
(-) - Very improbable
(x) - Definitely not

* User data in "My Files" (?)
* No Aerosoft-Launcher (x)
* Double click on *.osn file => OMSI starts and loads this situation immediately (Y)

* Ego-Mode (?)
* Movebale mirrors (?)
* Several radio channels (-)
* Multiplayer (?)
* School bus routes (?)
* Repair function has more consequences (Y)
* Thunderstorm sounds and animation (?)
* Generated dynamic weather (?)
* Possibility to watch further trips while having active ti ble (?)
* Animated stamper (?)
* Turn view with steering wheel (?)
* Coins run low (?)
* Daylight saving time (Y)
* Adjustable seat position (?)
* Game controller: Make diretional pad useable (Y)
* Ti ble: Skip active bus stop (?)
* Temporary park/bus lanes (?)
* Driving record appears not immediately but can be read later; bus may not jump when it appears (Y)
* Different rate systems on one map (?)

* Inertial ("smooth") outside cam (?)
* Wind bends trees (?)
* Better shadow system (?)
* Bump mapping without reflexion texture (?)
* real time reflexions for own bus (windows, ...) (?)
* New UI (xxxxx!!!)
* Better rain effects (?)
* Sort algorithm for AI cars (=> visibility of ai cars through ai cars) (?)
* Fogged windows (?)

* Miscellaneous passenger sounds (?)
* Modular sound config files (?)

* Allowing Tram driving (?)
* Trolleybuses (-)
* Free adjustable friction coefficients, e.g. for snow chains; dynamic (script) for sanding function for trams (?)
* Central directory for announcements but for each hof file another directory (Y)
* Wheels can become dirty (?)
* Simulation of small defects (Y)
* Skid marks (?)
* Cold Start (Y)
* Tyre damage (=> tyre pressure, asymmetric steering behaviour) (?)
* Number plate model/font depends on map settings (?)
* Wind effects
* Simulate railroad boogies (Y)
* Interior dirt (?)
* Rotation inertia of wheels and power transmission (Y)

AI traffic:
* Better behaviour (????)
- Danger braking: Car braking depends on distance to obstacle (?)
- Left-turning vehicles are driving too slow (?)
- Variation over path (?)
- Faster through curves (?)
- Lane change can be aborted if necessary (?)
* More car types (?)
* Week day depending traffic density (Y)
* Better adaption to street conditions (Y)
* Slope has an influence to acceleration (Y)
* driving ban on trucks on sundays (Y)

* Emergency cars (?)
* Winter service vehicles (?)
* Motor-/Bicylces (-)
* Initial speed when spawning (?)

AI buses:
* Have passengers when they appear at visible edge (?)
* Waiting for scheduled time at special selected stops (Y)
* Could be late although they are still not visible (Y)
* At terminus bus stop passengers can enter for a new trip (Y)
* Should not reenter, when they finished their last trip too early (bug, Y)
* Not-ending-trips where passengers may remain in the bus (coupled lines, changing terminus displays and so on, Y)

* Bus stop influence area (when buses open doors etc.) editable (?)
* Driving behaviour depends on delay (?)

* Further models (?)
* Other clothes for cold weather (?)
* Children (?)
* Better movement (?)
* Age can bet set (Y)
* Baby Buggies / Wheelchairs (?)
* Children press "stop" as joke (-)
* Don't walk to bus if it has not reached the bus stop (?)
* Depending on map settings: Wave if they would like to enter the bus (?)
* Say goodbye (?)
* Have to show ticket each time (?)
* Communication with passengers (-)
* seat priorities (?)
* Passenger density at bus stop over day free editable (?)
* Changing passengers (?)
* running late passengers (?)
* passengers may open or close windows (Y)
* passengers can buy tickets at ticket machines in the bus (?)
* New passengers at bus stop should not just "appear" (?)
* Complain about too high speed (?)
* Complain about not stopping at "their" bus stop (?)

Map Creation:
* Temporary or situation depending objects and time tables (Y)
* Left hand drive maps (Y)
* Terrain adapation to splines and crossings (Y)

* Scenery Object Refresh (?)
* More easy creation of lines and ti bles (?)
* Undo function (?)
* Traffic light synchronization also after situation loading (?)
* Align new splines with offset parallel to existing ones (?)
* Tracks and Trips can be copied from existing ones (Y)
* Profile editing: "general check mark" for all arr. and dep. times (?)
* Bug profile editing: vertical slider buggy (Y)
* Crossing-creation Algorithm (-)
* Load all splines or objects from one directory (Y)
* Tile removing function (Y)

* System for creation of more varied street surfaces (Y)

Script Engine / Variable Access:
* Get driver's name (?)
* Passengers can request opening of exits and entries individually (Y)
* String & system variables in plugin interface (Y)
* Distance to next bus stop (Y)
* Call police via script (IBIS-key!) (Y)
* Bug correction: Delay display doesn't show correct value an longer halts (doesn't show dep time) (Y)

* Plugin interface: Variable access interval adjustable (?)
* Plugin interface: Have access to all vehicles (?)
* Bus stop displays have access to delay information (Y)
* Script => Traffic light (?)
* Scenery objects have access to path usage / trigger (?)
* hard coded exponential in-/decrease (?)
* exp function with free base
* Access to altitude and heading (Y)
* Access to terminus of next trip (?)

  • AGASAHIROSHI 膜仔通汇 -2 2013-7-25 19:50 请勿灌水,谢谢合作