
[全部版本] ZM 的過濾器導入與導出說明.原文翻譯


ZM 的過濾器導入與導出說明.原文翻譯

要感謝henry999 的ZM 2.11.有確定能使用的功能.才會有想學習的動力
這一篇譯文是由 ZM 的官網內關於 "18WOS"的導入與導出的說明.逐字逐句翻譯過來的
雖然是以 CONVOY 為主要導入導出最說明.但是應該是可以廣泛的套用到 18WOS 系列

此一文章 並非手把手的教學文件.他只是針對模型導入導出的相關重點做說明
比較適合對於 ZM /或是懂3D 建模的 有稍微3D 模型概念的玩家使用.
內容裡有些許 "我個人認定" 的專有名詞翻譯可能與大家的認知不同..

對於這個ZM 導入與導出  我個人也還學習階段.所以有ZM 的技術性問題--->請不要問我

在此與有興趣與 18WOS製作MOD 同好 分享.


發佈日期: 2005/10/19 9:02 am
標題    :convoy 過濾器 使用說明

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:02 am    Post subject: CONVOY filter user guide.
Updated: 13th March'06      Reply with quote This is a short guide on how to use
CONVOY .pmg filter in zmodeler2.
Scroll to the bottom of this message for updates:

[ 本帖最後由 hyh0099 於 2008-12-20 21:11 編輯 ]
  • jianxun +500 2008-12-21 11:58 兄弟,你是论坛的人才,鼓励一下 ...
  • jianxun +500 2008-12-21 11:58 兄弟,你是论坛的人才,鼓励一下 ...
  • Lloyd Esq. +399 2008-12-20 21:04 非常贊同
  • Lloyd Esq. +399 2008-12-20 21:04 非常贊同
  • jackguoxixi +100 2008-12-20 20:48 精品文章,支持楼主朋友发帖
  • jackguoxixi +100 2008-12-20 20:48 精品文章,支持楼主朋友发帖

Preparing [預先準備]
為了使用 [ 導入 ]功能..(或是為了準備開啟 類似 .Z3D 文件)
In order to use import feature (and in case you are going to open example .z3d files)

你需要將BASE.SCS 文件.解壓縮到任何你喜歡的資料夾.過濾器將使用 貼圖.材質設置等各項來自其中的文件
you need to extract base.scs file into any folder your like. The filter will usetextures, and materials settings files extracted.

然後.複製任一 環境貼圖文件成為generic.dds 至 ..material/environment 文件夾內. (或是複製 generic_s.dds此文件亦可 )
Second, copy any environment texture as generic.dds into material/environment folder (you can copy "generic_s.dds" file if you like).

最後.請開啟資訊欄 因為過濾器可能紀錄些許珍貴的資訊
Finally, make sure to show Messaging bar, since filter might log some very valueable information there.

Importing (or using example .z3d files)[導入(或是使用.Z3D 文件)]

要導入一個 .PMG 文件.->開啟 Zmodeler2.點選 [導入]鍵->在下拉式文件格式欄中指定[18 WoS Convoy .PMG].
To import a .pmg file, start zmodeler2, hit Import button,specify "18 WoS Convoy .PMG" in filetype dropdown box.

然後底下會出現選項欄..首先.選擇 "base.scs" 旁邊的長條欄位.然後瀏覽至"base.scs" 所解壓的資料夾所在位置
An options dialog for the filter will appear in the bottom. First of all, click on a wide button next to "base.scs"
label and browse for a folder where you have extracted "base.scs"

file. Filter will save this settings so you need to do it only once.

接著.確認右側選取項目皆須打上勾勾  (Read/Write .PMC, .PMD 等等的選項.)
Then, makesure all checkboxes on the right (Read/Write .PMC, .PMD etc.) are on.

此一動作只是為了稍後除錯驗證目的.在稍後將會移除.之後即可選娶 你想要匯入的 .PMG(模型)文件.即可匯入  
These are generally for debug and will be removed later. Then you can locate a .pmg file you wish to import and import it.

The filter will try to read materials files and load proper textures.

不過請勿期望 zmodeler2 正確的在模型上像在遊戲中一般的彩現品質
Don't expect zmodeler2 to render the mesh exactly as it appears ingame.

Convoy 的遊戲引擎.所使用的是一組特別的光影效果.所以在 ZModeler2 裡.模型本體會呈現不同的光影效果
Convoy engine uses a set of specific shaders, so in ZModeler2the mesh will be shaded differently.

所以.如果你想要開啟 某一.Z3d 模型文件 .你必須把文件放到相對應的解壓縮後 base.scs 資料夾內(以便正確的讀取貼圖)
If you are going to open example .z3d file,you need to copy it into proper folder of base.scs extraction (where required
textures are).

附帶 你將同時拷貝  "generic.dds" 與 "glass01.dds" 兩個圖片文件到同一資料夾內
Plus, you will need to copy "generic.dds" and "glass01.dds" texture to the same folder

如果熟練的話也可以將 ZM 的圖片搜尋路徑設定成可以找得到貼圖文件位置的路徑.
(or adjust zmodeler textures paths to the folderswhere these files can be found).

開啟或導入模型時.須確定狀態欄位內不可有 錯誤訊息出現.
When opening, make sure no error prompts appear in messaging bar.

[ 本帖最後由 hyh0099 於 2008-12-20 20:44 編輯 ]

ZM 的過濾器在場景組合內的物件中(在準備導出時).只能導出1件 "root" 的樣板參考點
Scene organization in ZModeler (preparing to export) Objects The filter will export content of only one "root" dummy node.

所以.在導出一個場景組合的需求下.必須具備單一的 "root" 樣板物件參考點.與其他別的物件包含在內.(須做成子物件)
So, in order to export a scene,there should be a root dummy node and all the stuff you need to export must be
in it (be it's children).

root 樣板物件參考點須具固定的特徵--比須與你所導出的文件同名(可省略附加文件名)
This root node is kinda specific - it name should match the name of the file you are going to export (without extension).

比如.若是你要做成的模型是i8600.PMG .那麼root 樣板物件參考點就應該是命名為i8600 (非為i8600.PMG)
So, for example, if you are going to export to a "i8600.pmg" file, the node should be named "i8600" (not a "i8600.psm").

Second, this node holds some valueable information which is required for exporting.

To set or change this information,right-click on the label in objects browser,

選取 "Properties" 下拉出 "Dummy Node(s)" 再選取 "Stored Values...".然後在隨之出現的窗格中編輯或刪除 設定值
pick "Properties", expand "Dummy Node(s)" branch and select "Stored Values...". A dialog box will appear in the
bottom where you can add/edit/delete some values:

首先看到的是 "PaintJobs" 可選擇導出時此模型最多可容許多少個外漆圖裝花樣(皮膚變化).
First of all, a "PaintJobs" entry specify how many paint jobs (skins) available
for the mesh you are exporting.

如果只有一個 (此數值為內定基本圖漆式樣或是材質光源文件)
If only one (default base skin or gloss paint)is available,

此一數值應當設置成 1 (不可設成為 0 )2 Origin.將他設定為"base.scs" 基本的內定直.
當然必須要跟原定的 "base.scs" 鎖解壓縮出來的資料夾內文件呼相對應.並且確定是導出之後.文件的所在資料夾
this value should be set to 1 (don't set it to zero)Second, and even more valueable,
is an Origin property. This is an relative origin path to the file (relative to "base.scs" root)
- and this is the path where exported file will be located

(this path is used to generate proper references to materials and textures).

比如假如你要將i9400i 導出變成 i8600.PMG 文件. 那麼就必須把原點的路徑改成."/vehicle/truck/i8600".
If you are going to export i9400i file to a i8600.pmg file, you have to change origin to "/vehicle/truck/i8600".

確認符號.. 路徑前端需要有 "/" 符號 .尾端不可加  "/"
Make sure to keep proper sintax: a leading slash, and no slash on the tail.

[ 本帖最後由 hyh0099 於 2008-12-20 20:47 編輯 ]

Ok, moving further.

展開 "root" 參考點 查看其子物件.首先看到的樣板物件參考點應該是一屬名為base 的樣板參考點
Expand "root" node and take a look at it's children. First of all,there should be a dummy node named base.

基本上 .PMG 文件內的曲面文件幾乎都是未命名的.不過有些樣板物件參考點除外
This is a base of your model (truck or trailer) - it contains mesh and dummies under it. Expand it and take a
look. In original .pmg files all mesh objects are untitled and only some of
dummy nodes are entitled.

I've added an explicit name mapping for most of the dummy nodes, so you need to give proper name to all dummies.

The list follows:

//common for trailer and truck:

trailer.attach - trailer attach position (貨櫃連結點)
driver- driver model position (駕駛員位置)
wheel.fl - front left wheel (左前輪)
wheel.fr - front right wheel (右前輪)
wheel.2fl - second front wheel (第二排左前輪)
wheel.2fr - second front right weel (第二排右前輪)
wheel.ml - middle (first rear) left wheel (第一排左後輪)
wheel.mr - middle (first rear) right wheel (第一排右後輪)
wheel.rl - rear left wheel (後一排左後輪)
wheel.rr - rear right wheel (後一排右後輪)
wheel.2rl - second  (外加 左後輪)
(third, if you have "middle wheels axes") rear left wheel wheel.2rr - second
(third, if you have "middle wheels axes") rear right wheel


vehicle.attach - vehicle attach position(車輛連結點)


int.toy - toy attach position 吊飾固定點
int.ml.br - left mirror's bottom-right point 左後鏡 右下角點
int.ml.bl - left mirror's bottom-left point  左後鏡 左下角點
int.ml.tr - left mirror's top-right point 左後鏡 右上角點
int.ml.tl - left mirror's top-left point  左後鏡 左上角點
int.mr.br - right mirror's bottom-right point 右後鏡 右下角點
int.mr.bl - right mirror's bottom-left point  右後鏡 左下角點
int.mr.tr - right mirror's top-right point  右後鏡 右上角點
int.mr.tl - right mirror's top-left point  右後鏡 左上角點


wheel.size - 車輪大小定位點..(半徑以輪胎本身世界座標的 +Z 軸設置 .厚度則以輪胎本身世界座標 +Y 軸設置)
wheel size-defining point (radius is defined by it's world +Z position, width is defined by it's world -X position).

參照的後照鏡:各後照境的可視狀況取決於攝影視角的相對應四個角點設置.-例如 :左側的後照鏡的某一個角落點可視於
Regarding interior mirrors: the corner points specify boundary of the mirror -
if any of left mirror's points is visible to camera, then engine renders a left-mirror image
(otherwise, it does not need to render); same for the right mirror.

flares, lights, smoke, snow and spray emitters have a pre-coded names in game engine.

I don't know all of them, but the most commonly used are:

flare.vehicle.brakel - brake light flare (煞車燈)
flare.vehicle.orangel - orange flare light (橘色後燈)
flare.vehicle.headl - headlight flare (前燈)
flare.vehicle.lblinkerl - left blinker flare(左閃燈)
flare.vehicle.rblinkerl - right blinker flare (右閃燈)
flare.vehicle.rearl - rear light flare  (後燈)
flare.vehicle.reversel - reverse light flare (倒車燈)
truck.smoke.pipe - pipe smoke emitter  (排氣特效組)
truck.smoke.skid - braking smoke emitter (煞車特效組)
truck.smoke.snow - snow emitters (when driving on snow)(雪地駕駛特效)
truck.smoke.dirt - dirt emitters (when driving on dirt/grass)(草地/沙地駕駛特效)
truck.smoke.rain - water spray emitters (when driving on wet road)(水/雨中駕駛特效組)

上方清單或許不夠周全..所以請確認在導入時不會出現諸如"Unknown dummy: 0xaabbcc, 0x123."
The list above might be incomplete. Make sure when importing there are
no lines promptying something like Unknown dummy: 0xaabbcc, 0x123.

註:假如出現如上述所列不明錯誤.則須回報相關資訊至 ZM 作者處才可以有機會獲得解決..
If something like this appears when importing, let me know which file you were trying to import.

遊戲引擎使用樣板物件參考點的 +Z軸.(藍色的箭頭點)
Game engine uses +Z axis of dummy node (where it's blue arrow points).

所以 燈光是照向 +Z軸 的方向.煙也是朝向 +Z軸 吹去..以此類推
So, light shines in +Z node's direction; smoke is emitted in +Z direction and so on.

As it was said, mesh nodes have no names, but their veritces should have per-vertex color,
or otherwise, some reflections distortion might be a result.

升級 配件升級.各部件均列表于 "root" 下的樣板參考點.且各有該物件特定的名稱
Upgrades Accessories upgrades are listed under "root" node as a dummy nodes with proper names.

各相關名單均依照其相關的名稱命名.依照其路徑分別是://truck: base - 卡車的基礎物件(非配件區)
The list, which is quite self-explaining, follows: //truck: base - the base of the truck
(not an acceessory actually).

貨櫃: //trailer: tbase  貨櫃基礎物件區(非配件區)
//trailer: tbase - trailer base (not an accessory actually)
heel.down - lowered heels (when not attacjed to truck)懸掛放下.未付掛車頭
heel.up - rised heels (when attached to truck)懸掛上昇.拖運中

你可以將升級部件.置入這些樣板參考點上. 部件可以是曲面物件(可見物件).或是樣板參考點.(喇叭.煙..等)
You can place upgrades stuff under these dummy nodes. It can be mesh objects
(visual upgrades) and/or dummy nodes (flares, smoke emitters, etc.)

[ 本帖最後由 hyh0099 於 2008-12-20 20:51 編輯 ]

碰撞判斷 :Collision

Collision in Convoy has changed a little. It's no longer generated "on the fly" by game code.

替代性的使用 .pmc 文件.這個文件攜帶了.pmg 碰撞座標資料且可以讓 zm 正常的導入與導出
Instead, a .pmc file is used: this file contains collision data for according .pmg file
and import/exported by the filter well.

在zm 裡 .碰撞是由 "collision" 樣板參考點所代表的.(在"root" 參考點的子物件內).並且包含整組的樣板物件
In zmodeler, collision is represented by "collision" dummy node (which is a child of the "root" node)
with a set of dummy objects

在此樣板物件內 只有包含兩種型式的樣板物件參考點被碰撞判斷所應用.方塊盒子與圓柱物體
under it. There are only two types of dummy nodes used by collision in the
filter: box and cylinder.

但我想球體物件也可以被使用上.不過我還未曾在 .pmc 內看過此一物件.
I think, spherical nodes can also be used by the game,but I haven't seen them in .pmc files yet.

所以 你可以創建一組 樣板參考點 "collision" .然後置於 "root" 內.
然後創建一些碰撞物體(大部分是方塊盒子物件).後置於 "collision" 的樣板參考點內.
So, you create a dummy node "collision", place it under root node.
Then you create some collision volumes (mostly boxes) and place them under "collision" dummy node.

碰撞物體也是樣板物件參考點.你可以改變樣板物件的屬性成所需要的外觀 (方塊盒子或是圓柱型)
Collision volume nodes are also a dummy nodes. You can change dummy properties to be adesired shape
(box or cylinder),

設定取消填滿屬性.(disable "solid")(建議值)即可使用 Modify\Scale 指令 修改樣板參考體至正確的尺寸
Modify\Move 指令 可以移動樣板物件至正確位置.或是使用旋轉指令Modify\Move.編輯
disable "solid" property (recommended). Thenyou can use Modify\Scale tool to make dummy node be a proper size,
and Modify\Move to place it properly. Nodes can also be rotated if you like.

所以無論如何.我建議參考遊戲內原有的 "collision nodes" 文件.取得更進一步的資訊
In any case, I recommend to open example files and take a look what are collision nodes were in original game files.

註:碰撞判斷幾乎不須取決於 .PMG 文件.所以如果你要使用原來的 .PMC 文件 來套用到你的 修改 .PMG文件
Note: collision almost do not depend on .pmg file, so if you wish, you can use
original .pmc file with your modified .pmg file. You can even use collision from
another truck/trailer - it should work fine.


材質場景 在遊戲引擎中是使用一組 預置的彩現程式碼 (詳細名稱可於開啟 "automat/*/*.mat" 中可見)
Materials Since game engine uses a set of precoded shaders (you might seen their
names if you opened any of "automat/*/*.mat"files), I've precoded only three of
these shaders.

glass - used for glass material (玻璃) - 此為玻璃材質
chromic - pure reflective chrome material 金屬表面反射(鏡面)材質
gloss - the rest of materials: default one. (其他各種基本材質-此為預設值)

在大部分的模型中.所有的材質均會使用 "default.dds" 作為反光(鏡像)(或環境光源貼圖)
In most of cases all these materials appears to use "default.dds" as a reflection (environment texture).

[玻璃]材質彩現-使用 "glass01.dds" 當主要貼圖. 使用"default.dds"當反射(鏡面)貼圖.然後混合彩現效果
"glass" shader - uses "glass01.dds" main texture, "default.dds" reflection texture,
and material's alpha blending settigns.

(鏡面)材質彩現 -一般是使用 "parts.dds" 為基本貼圖材質.使用"default.dds"當反射(鏡面)貼圖
"chromic" shader usually refers to "parts.dds" as a base texture and "default.dds" as a reflection.

[泛光]材質彩現--使用基本表面貼圖(通常是"skinbasic.dds").使用"gloss.png" 貼圖來分層反應鏡面程度
並且使用 "default.dds" 作為鏡像貼圖.
"gloss"shader uses base skin texture (usually "skinbasic.dds"), "gloss.png" texture as
a "reflection level layer" and a "default.dds" as a reflection.

此三個層為必須之圖層.就算你的顯卡不支援這種貼圖引擎 或是彩現效果很糟糕.
但是你必須在導出之前.確任開啟使用全部的必須項目.ZM 的過濾器 將會強制 "default.dds" 作為標準的
"material/environemnt/vehicle_reflection" 彩現器.
You have to keep all three texture layers even if you hardware doen't support it, or if they are
shaded really ugly. You can however disable unnecessary layers in materials
editor while modelling, but make sure to enable all required layers before exporting.
The filter forces "default.dds" texture to be standard "material/environemnt/vehicle_reflection" shader.

If you are using another reflection texture, this might not work ingame.
如果要指定某種彩現器給各個分別的材質必須正確的命名 與增加在名稱中的 ". " 符號.
(如 "i8600.gloss"."i8600.chromic"..等).雖不是必要的不過建議還是以此方式與 root 作為分別
To specify which shader will be used on each material, give proper name to materials:
it should ned with "dot" and shader name (e.g. "i8600.gloss", "i8600.chromic",
"i8600.glass"). It's not a must, but preferable, if material name before a "dot"
matches the "root" node name.

[ 本帖最後由 hyh0099 於 2008-12-20 20:56 編輯 ]


確認 "root" 的名稱與導出文件名稱是相同的.
Make sure "root" node is named exactly as the file title you are going to export to.

點擊 export 按鍵.然後在 filetype 的選框過濾器中點選 "Convoy .PMG"
Hit export button and select "Convoy .PMG" filter in filetype box.

若是你想要取代原有的 .pmg 文件 .在文件瀏覽器中選取這一文件 .然後會出現
"18 WoS Convoy .PMG" filter Properties"的窗格.此時可以自行選擇操作自己的選項.
諸如加上說明(add comment).或是鎖定文件(lock the file).建立參考視圖(save a thumbnail imag).等
If you are going to overwrite a .pmg file, select this file in the
files list and an "18 WoS Convoy .PMG" filter Properties" will appear where you
can add comment, and specify whether you want to lock the file and/or save a thumbnail image.

點擊 Save 鍵.然後過濾器 會導出以"root"文件名稱全部的物件.以相同的文件名稱命名
Hit Save button and filer will export all objects under according "filename" root node.

If it fails to findsuch a node in the scene, an error message will be prompted in messaging bar:
Can not find object "i8600". file:ExportConvoyPMG.cpp line:62 (or like this).

請改正 root node 的名稱.此處也有兩種警告訊息.會出現在訊息欄中
So, rename root node properly. Here are two possible warning messages that can
appear in messaging bar too:
在"i8600"的參考點上遺失皮敷文件 "PaintJobs" 儲存值.回覆預設值為1.
Missing "PaintJobs" stored value in node "i8600".Defaulting to 1.

此即意味"root" 參考點中沒有設置預設的皮膚"PaintJobs"預設數值.所以過濾器將其回複至(預設值 "1")
This means that "root" node does not have "PaintJobs" stored Value,
and filter set paint jobs count to 1 (default setting).
在"i8600"的參考點上遺失原路徑設置 "Origin" stored value.回覆設置預設值至 "/vehicle/truck/i8600".
Missing "Origin" stored value in node "i8600". Defaulting to "/vehicle/truck/i8600".

此即意味在 "Origin" 上的路徑設置並未指定到正確的文件夾.所以過濾器將使用(新)設定的路徑
但是假如此一路徑不是用該有的路徑.(比如是導出貨櫃的情況.那你就必須正確的設置"Origin" 的路徑)
那麼在該 "Origin" 底下 所有的材質.貼圖等設置 都將會在稍後被過濾器導出時的各組文件中移除..

Means "Origin" stored value was not specified on "root" node, and filter decided to
use shown path as an origin. If this path is not what it should be (e.g. you are
exporting a trailer, then you have define proper "Origin" value on theroot).
The filter will generate .pmg file (mesh), .pmc file (collision), .pmd
(materials and paintjobs assignment), several .mat files (shaders definitions)
and .tobj files (one for each texture). If you have used "glass" shader, you
will need to copy "glass01.dds" texture form "/vehicle/truck" folder to the
folder with the file you have exported to. This limitation might be removed
Loading in game
首先.先把所有的  *.bak 文件都刪除.(這些只是編輯模型中的備分文件)然後在將你的模型資料夾
轉換成 未壓縮的ZIP 文件格式 *.SCS.將文件置於 MOD 資料夾內.在編譯模式(console)中開啟遊戲
按下 "~" 鍵檢視載入過程中 .確認全部載入後沒有產生錯誤.然後可以試著在 遊戲的展示間內查看
新製作的車模.如果遊戲出錯跳出的話.請檢視 "prism3d.log" 文件內的問題所在.假如一切正常的話
即可嘗試購買新車.然後升級配備 測試是否一切都正常.

First of all, delete all *.bak files (these are backup copies of
the files that ZModeler overwrites). Well, as you know, you need to ZIP your
vehicle into .scs file without compressions and retaining folders structore.
Then copy your .scs into Mod folder of the game. Launch the game and make sure
sothing about "unauthorized modified content" is prompted. Press tilda (`) key
to view console - make sure there are no errors prompted there.
Then you can try to browse for your truck in showroom.
If game crashes, you can view "prism3d.log" file in
"My Documents\18 wos convoy" folder to check what went wrong.
If your truck shows fine in showroom, you should load the game, buy this
truck and check if accessories upgrades and paintjobs are working.

Updates 13.March.2006.
"bodybasic" 的貼圖可用來產生多個 皮膚的文件.可以用 "bodypaint01", "bodypaint02.... 等等" 取代
"bodybasic" texture is used for producing multiple paint jobs
(replaced with "bodypaint01", "bodypaint02" and so on)

根據 "root"--> "PaintJobs" 的設定數量值來產生.假如你的車頭使用數個皮膚貼圖.
則可更名為 "bodybasicA" and "bodybasicB" 如此將可變更為 "bodypaintA01",..."bodypaintB01"
可供作為 多皮膚貼圖使用..
according to "PaintJobs" settings in root node's properties.
If your truck uses several skin textures,
rename them to "bodybasicA" and "bodybasicB" (will be replaced with "bodypaintA01",
..."bodypaintB01" for multiple skins).


儘可能的備分你的工作.除非是100%的確認工作已完成 否則請勿在導出時設定[鎖定]選項..
被鎖定住的模型 將無法重新導入編輯..

[ 本帖最後由 hyh0099 於 2008-12-20 21:02 編輯 ]


恩 难得的好教程
0099 你是个人才 论坛需要你这样的朋友!

也许某天,在喧嚣的城市中,妳我再次擦肩而过 ...

这样方便很多啦 呵呵

为何我打开这软件就直接显示  内存不能为“Read”


[ 本帖最後由 酷虫 於 2008-12-20 21:18 編輯 ]

哈哈.翻譯好文章.我光看就昏 .嚴重支持一下



原帖由 酷虫 於 2008-12-20 21:08 發表
为何我打开这软件就直接显示  内存不能为“Read”


試試看 移到 c:\ZM 或是 d;\zm
(也許盡量用英文資料夾會有幫助)....... 給你參考


原帖由 hyh0099 於 2008-12-20 21:20 發表
試試看 移到 c:\ZM 或是 d;\zm
(也許盡量用英文資料夾會有幫助)....... 給你參考
