Ok, moving further.
展開 "root" 參考點 查看其子物件.首先看到的樣板物件參考點應該是一屬名為base 的樣板參考點
Expand "root" node and take a look at it's children. First of all,there should be a dummy node named base.
基本上 .PMG 文件內的曲面文件幾乎都是未命名的.不過有些樣板物件參考點除外
This is a base of your model (truck or trailer) - it contains mesh and dummies under it. Expand it and take a
look. In original .pmg files all mesh objects are untitled and only some of
dummy nodes are entitled.
I've added an explicit name mapping for most of the dummy nodes, so you need to give proper name to all dummies.
The list follows:
//common for trailer and truck:
trailer.attach - trailer attach position (貨櫃連結點)
driver- driver model position (駕駛員位置)
wheel.fl - front left wheel (左前輪)
wheel.fr - front right wheel (右前輪)
wheel.2fl - second front wheel (第二排左前輪)
wheel.2fr - second front right weel (第二排右前輪)
wheel.ml - middle (first rear) left wheel (第一排左後輪)
wheel.mr - middle (first rear) right wheel (第一排右後輪)
wheel.rl - rear left wheel (後一排左後輪)
wheel.rr - rear right wheel (後一排右後輪)
wheel.2rl - second (外加 左後輪)
(third, if you have "middle wheels axes") rear left wheel wheel.2rr - second
(third, if you have "middle wheels axes") rear right wheel
vehicle.attach - vehicle attach position(車輛連結點)
int.toy - toy attach position 吊飾固定點
int.ml.br - left mirror's bottom-right point 左後鏡 右下角點
int.ml.bl - left mirror's bottom-left point 左後鏡 左下角點
int.ml.tr - left mirror's top-right point 左後鏡 右上角點
int.ml.tl - left mirror's top-left point 左後鏡 左上角點
int.mr.br - right mirror's bottom-right point 右後鏡 右下角點
int.mr.bl - right mirror's bottom-left point 右後鏡 左下角點
int.mr.tr - right mirror's top-right point 右後鏡 右上角點
int.mr.tl - right mirror's top-left point 右後鏡 左上角點
wheel.size - 車輪大小定位點..(半徑以輪胎本身世界座標的 +Z 軸設置 .厚度則以輪胎本身世界座標 +Y 軸設置)
wheel size-defining point (radius is defined by it's world +Z position, width is defined by it's world -X position).
參照的後照鏡:各後照境的可視狀況取決於攝影視角的相對應四個角點設置.-例如 :左側的後照鏡的某一個角落點可視於
Regarding interior mirrors: the corner points specify boundary of the mirror -
if any of left mirror's points is visible to camera, then engine renders a left-mirror image
(otherwise, it does not need to render); same for the right mirror.
flares, lights, smoke, snow and spray emitters have a pre-coded names in game engine.
I don't know all of them, but the most commonly used are:
flare.vehicle.brakel - brake light flare (煞車燈)
flare.vehicle.orangel - orange flare light (橘色後燈)
flare.vehicle.headl - headlight flare (前燈)
flare.vehicle.lblinkerl - left blinker flare(左閃燈)
flare.vehicle.rblinkerl - right blinker flare (右閃燈)
flare.vehicle.rearl - rear light flare (後燈)
flare.vehicle.reversel - reverse light flare (倒車燈)
truck.smoke.pipe - pipe smoke emitter (排氣特效組)
truck.smoke.skid - braking smoke emitter (煞車特效組)
truck.smoke.snow - snow emitters (when driving on snow)(雪地駕駛特效)
truck.smoke.dirt - dirt emitters (when driving on dirt/grass)(草地/沙地駕駛特效)
truck.smoke.rain - water spray emitters (when driving on wet road)(水/雨中駕駛特效組)
上方清單或許不夠周全..所以請確認在導入時不會出現諸如"Unknown dummy: 0xaabbcc, 0x123."
The list above might be incomplete. Make sure when importing there are
no lines promptying something like Unknown dummy: 0xaabbcc, 0x123.
註:假如出現如上述所列不明錯誤.則須回報相關資訊至 ZM 作者處才可以有機會獲得解決..
If something like this appears when importing, let me know which file you were trying to import.
遊戲引擎使用樣板物件參考點的 +Z軸.(藍色的箭頭點)
Game engine uses +Z axis of dummy node (where it's blue arrow points).
所以 燈光是照向 +Z軸 的方向.煙也是朝向 +Z軸 吹去..以此類推
So, light shines in +Z node's direction; smoke is emitted in +Z direction and so on.
As it was said, mesh nodes have no names, but their veritces should have per-vertex color,
or otherwise, some reflections distortion might be a result.
升級 配件升級.各部件均列表于 "root" 下的樣板參考點.且各有該物件特定的名稱
Upgrades Accessories upgrades are listed under "root" node as a dummy nodes with proper names.
各相關名單均依照其相關的名稱命名.依照其路徑分別是://truck: base - 卡車的基礎物件(非配件區)
The list, which is quite self-explaining, follows: //truck: base - the base of the truck
(not an acceessory actually).
貨櫃: //trailer: tbase 貨櫃基礎物件區(非配件區)
//trailer: tbase - trailer base (not an accessory actually)
heel.down - lowered heels (when not attacjed to truck)懸掛放下.未付掛車頭
heel.up - rised heels (when attached to truck)懸掛上昇.拖運中
你可以將升級部件.置入這些樣板參考點上. 部件可以是曲面物件(可見物件).或是樣板參考點.(喇叭.煙..等)
You can place upgrades stuff under these dummy nodes. It can be mesh objects
(visual upgrades) and/or dummy nodes (flares, smoke emitters, etc.)
[ 本帖最後由 hyh0099 於 2008-12-20 20:51 編輯 ]