Update your copy of the game to version 1.1.0!
What's new in this update:
- Two additional Dangerous Drives levels: "Backstreet" and "High in the Sky."
- Improved perfomance in the Scania: DemoCentre level.
- Additional type of automatic gearbox which does not flip brake and accelerator pedals during reverse movement.
- Fixed HUD mirrors and look presets for UK vehicles.
- Fixed crash when using controller which does not provide X and Y axes.
- Fixed waiting times on gas stations
- Better TV camera placement on several Driver Competition challenges
- Numerous touches to all maps in the game to address visual glitches.
更新你的遊戲到 1.1 版本,更新的內容如下:
1. 增加二個危險路段的挑戰:backstreet 和 high in the sky
2. 改善 democentre level 的效能(或表現)
3. 對於自動排檔,修正倒車時煞車和加速的問題(意譯,文譯怪怪的,譯錯難免)
4. 修改uk(英國)後照鏡的式樣。
5. 修改對於不支援 x' y 軸控制器(手把),避免當機。
6. 修正在加油站等待時間(?加油站不是沒作用了嗎?)
7.在某些駕駛挑戰賽,給予更好的 tv camera 的角度。
8. 遊戲的地圖中,有許多接觸點,標識出視覺上的問題(故障)