
[地图] [转]Berlin Spandau Real 136 236 X36 By BusDriver30 (Update Version vom 9.11.2018

[转]Berlin Spandau Real 136 236 X36 By BusDriver30 (Update Version vom 9.11.2018

After long months of construction finally my new Spandau map is finished
With the X36, a lot has happened, new objects have come to it or
were exchanged the arcades and the station are finally finished.

Just let yourself be surprised what's new in the new version.
A big thank you goes to all who have helped me the card now finally ready
Thank you very much.

Update Version from 9.11.2018

- The AI ​​lines have been improved
- all final stops KI Lines now hold properly at the city hall Spandau as well as in the Galenstr
- Where the KI buses M32, 237 and so have their break at the city hall Spandau no more traffic jams
with the buses because the paths were changed and adapted by Staaken79
- The two stops at the cross Daumstr Rhenanianstr have been postponed
as at the stop Rauchstr / Goltzstr
- Paths have been adjusted
- Intersections paths have been adjusted
- All right of way rules have been redone
- all KI lines now correctly describe their goals also the 63
- The Moritzstr stop was removed at the X368
- the line list image has been added
- The farm file was edited again
What's new in the new version?

-The interchange Rathaus Spandau was as good as Real now finished
-The Spandau Arcaden are finally finished with night lighting
-The Spandau station is now finally finished, the night lighting is still made properly
-The Spandau station no longer disappears from the Galenstr, he stops
-The new line X36 has been added
-Many new buildings and objects were built, for example, the new Total gas station in Streitstr
-A complete new folder structure was made, who changed the old version,
does not need to delete this because it is not overwritten
-all unused objects, splines have now been completely removed
- All buildings will have night lighting
-many objects / splines have been replaced by their own, making the installation even easier
-this time, all new winter textures have been included
- All target ads are now displayed correctly
-The Ailist was simplified again on standard if you want to let other buses drive,
you only need to change the Ailist to do nothing in the editor
-The farm file has been adapted
For you now a few pictures for preview what you expect in the new version





  • Lloyd Esq. 下载积分 +500 2019-7-4 23:50 感谢分享

thx for sharing!!

thx for sharing

回復 3號車# 的帖子

没办法 德国佬的地图太精细 需要的额外插件也多

回復 4號車# 的帖子

Campo Grande也是一张好地图,但由于分卷包太大了一个就得1gb左右所以我没去上传









  • csy13235 下载积分 -5 2019-4-4 18:25 回帖请使用文字!

