Build (09/03/15 v2) - Default Public Build (Stable) update
Hi everyone!
We have pushed live an update for Default Public Build (Stable) with bunch of new features and some fixes, including the fix for the steering wheel.
-game survives lost contact to steam servers
-trailers auto-disconnect when hit hard
-log crane setup improved
-camera behavior improved
-trucks of other players now move smoother in multiplayer
-GUI is now 3d and stretches according to resolution
-navigation mode interface improved (hotkeys behavior changed, arrows added)
-environment, interface sounds added
-graphics improved: sunrise time + DOF + particle effects (part 1/3)
-switching R <-> 1 gear rapidly (mouse/keyboard controls only) now makes vehicle get out of mud
-translations complete for all languages
-bug with locking garages when new player joins fixed
-multiple other bugs and crashes fixed
-G27 fixes (part 1/2)
-logs synced in MP - Two player interaction is not recommended and players with high pings will experience strange physics.
-receiving repairs or fuel in MP triggers UI animation
-mud physics improved yet again for all trucks (wheels with high angular velocity would slip with no traction)
-hood cameras (first iteration)
- graphics improved: chromatics aberration & camera bokeh overlay effects (part 2/3)
-damaged truck visuals improved slightly
-minor levels improvements
-DOF improvement
-SSAO improvement
-hood camera improvements (better positions)
-gamepad&steering wheel controls for Hood camera
-steering wheel improvements (clutch and stalling) + G27 fixes (part 2/2)
-maps improvements (holes in terrain, better heightmaps under trees)
-new UI messages animations
-correct MAZ "type d-535" rear suspension!
-sound works correctly in hood camera mode
-k-700 rotational mechanism implemented
-"flood" map game balance tweaks
-Trailers connect correctly to MAZ
-A few camera issues sorted
-Graphics fixes
-Truck setup changed slightly
[ 本帖最後由 jshangy 於 2015-7-1 12:06 編輯 ]