News with the NG:
The leading part has now windows (although a full created window not less than 8 (!) levels contains - and this one just one jet) and the trailer has now an inside mesh with its own texture (which bases like the outside textur on the main interior texture, of course, and both together could be glued together for NL202... they COULD...! )
And now, the first parts of the articulation are finished: You see the "turning dish" with the folding "wing plates", which allow the vertical movement of the trailer. At this point, I will explain the animation. You will find the "source code" at the end of this post.
First the variables: Contrary to the current version of OMSI, in future, less used vehicle variables with internal linking will not longer be available "automatically" (from the varlist_roadvehicle.txt). You will have to define them in your own varlist textfiles and then OMSI will link them automatically to their internal correspondings in case of finding a reserved variable name. So in future you can add the variable names articulation_0_alpha and articulation_0_beta for both angles between main and trailer vehicle part horizontal (alpha) and vertical (beta). These will be used to animate the turning dish.
Please mind: I put all parts of the articulation in the main part of the vehicle, so its coordinate system will the be the base. So the first part is the leading wing plate ("Vorderes Flügelblech"), which will turn around against the main vehicle with half of alpha. Then the middle plate ("Mittelsteg") will follow: It turns vertically against the leading plate with half of beta, then it will follow the animation of the leading plate. And the last part is the trailing wing plate ("Hinteres Flügelblech") again turning vertically against the middle plate and then following it in animation.
Now the remaining angle between the trailing plate and the trailing vehicle part is the half of alpha - and that's what it should be.