小弟正對以下的文章作出翻譯, 現送上英文版給大家先睹為快~
ETS2 Management screens
Euro Truck Simulator 2 is primarily a game about driving trucks - about the time spent behind the wheel, trying hard to deliver your load safely and on time. That's why we are building so detailed virtual world to drive in. We tried to calculate how much real time you'd have to spend driving in the game, at maximum speed allowed, to visit every place in the world just once. The theoretical minimum is over 40 hours of time! In practice, it will easily take double the time.
However, we are aware that for many players the second gameplay pillar of our big truck simulation games is very important as well - the ability to build a company and progress though a "from rags to riches" kind of career. We are not attempting to go overly deep with this aspect of the game, to compete with "tycoon" genre games when it comes to company management, but we still hope that you will have an interesting time with this part of the game...
Google的機械翻譯(我完全看不明, 所以我本人自己也在作翻譯):
主要是歐洲卡車模擬2駕駛卡車遊戲 - 後面的車輪所花費的時間,努力安全和按時交付您的負載。這就是為什麼我們正在建設這麼詳細的虛擬世界,推動。我們試著計算你有多少真正的時間花費在遊戲中駕駛,在允許的最大速度,在世界的每一個地方,只是一次訪問。理論上的最小值是超過40個小時的時間!在實踐中,它會很容易地採取雙重時間。然而,我們知道,很多球員的第二個遊戲的支柱,我們的大卡車模擬遊戲是非常重要的,以及 - 建立一個公司,雖然是“白手起家”樣的職業進步的能力。我們從來沒有試圖去過於深,這方面的遊戲,當涉及到公司管理的“大亨”武俠遊戲競爭,但我們仍然希望與本次比賽的一部分,你將有一個有趣的時刻......
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OooxYft0KaQ#! (請版主幫忙嵌入影片!!!)
本帖最後由 hallmo 於 2012-8-13 22:31 編輯 ]