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[欧卡2/美卡] SCS博文 2018/04/01 卡车音效“大跃进”

SCS博文 2018/04/01 卡车音效“大跃进”


On this special day, we'd like to unveil one more cool improvement for our games. It's an experimental next-next-gen approach to engineering truck sounds that you would be a fool to overlook. As it is truly groundbreaking and still experimental, we did not see it prudent to put it into the standard games yet, instead, we have made it available via mods for both games. We are really curious to learn what you will think about them! (or those among you daring to install the mods anyway)

We proudly present „REAL TRUCK SOUNDS MOD by April v 1.4“!

All of the sounds were recorded by very passionate individuals with great care to make sure they receive a healthy dose of special human touch. Only a handful vehicles have got the special treatment so far. Depending on your feedback, we may be able to add more by about April 1, 2019. You can find the list of vehicles with the improved sounds in the respective mod descriptions. You can look up the mods on Steam Workshop:

Euro Truck Simulator 2 April 1.4. Update: 欧洲卡车模拟2四月1.4版更新:

American Truck Simulator April 1.4. Update: 美国卡车模拟四月1.4版更新:


本文经SCS Software s.r.o.同意转载、翻译,且作者与SCS Software无关。引用于或转至本站(bbs.18wos.org)及本站官方社交网络帐号以外的任何网络或其它载体位置须注明出处。

[ 本帖最後由 sgl 於 2018-4-5 10:47 編輯 ]
  • ww896358 膜仔通汇 +10 2018-4-4 08:08 感谢分享

We choose to go to science and learn the other things,
not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
Because we have a dream, that one day we will rise up,
and live out the true meaning of our being,
to seek out new life and new civilizations,
to boldly go where no one has gone before.

SCS 越来越好, the best thing can be made better .



这个真心搞不懂,既然前面的都拿到了(除了现在的MAN E6和雷诺T)授权,那为什么不一比一的把卡车的音效取回来呢?那卡车的发动机不都是自己的吗?既然授权拿到了,那理所应当的也应该把声音部分也一并拿回来啊。
而且我看SCS的人也录了音了,那为什么不都用到游戏里去?这个还要等到来年的4月一号 好家伙,现在来说用不上1年,也就差3天满一年整。
  • Lloyd Esq. 膜仔通汇 +3 2018-4-4 23:09 原創內容

回復 4號車# 的帖子

另:SCS已经获得Man E6和雷诺Range T的授权了。参见“新年快乐!”视频。

[ 本帖最後由 sgl 於 2018-4-4 16:40 編輯 ]

We choose to go to science and learn the other things,
not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
Because we have a dream, that one day we will rise up,
and live out the true meaning of our being,
to seek out new life and new civilizations,
to boldly go where no one has gone before.



感谢楼主翻译 分享 谢谢


新款曼   欧六 为啥不上,新款雷诺,马格农T为啥不上,就差这俩车没更新了

感谢楼主翻译 分享 谢谢


thx for sharing


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