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- 註冊日期
- 2020-3-7
发布时间 2020-7-28 14:20
【转】Hertfordshire V4(百度下载)
【介绍】: Hertfordshire for OMSI2 is heavily based on the Arriva 300/301 "centraline" service, connecting Stevenage, Welwyn Garden City, Hatfield & St Albans, in the county of Hertfordshire, just north of London in the UK. It is a frequent interurban bus route, connecting shopping, health and work places across the county. This map is left hand drive (UK), and uses the excellent Volvo Gemini Eclipse double decker bus by default. All objects and splines required for the map are included in the download, with the exception of the default OMSI objects. The map uses the default Arriva repaint, included with the default bus.
The route...
The map is heavily based, (but not a full recreation) of the 300/301 routes. I have allowed myself to stray slightly from real life in some areas. Its worth noting I have never been to any of the locations included in the map, so most scenery is a combination of google streetview, the available objects in OMSI, and my own imagination. The Depot in Welwyn Garden City is fictional - In reality the depot is at Stevenage and Hemel Hempstead (a few miles beyond St Albans).
What has changed since version 3?
lots. The biggest change across the whole map is to conversion to UK left hand drive, and the extension to St Albans. This meant replacement of all the roads and junctions across the map, plus addition of all the road markings - as these were pre-applied to the previous roads used. Many scenery changes have been made along the way too, ranging from tweaking objects to complete area rebuilds...
The Depot file...
In Hertfordshire V4, there are no Bus Stop announcements, or next bus stop type systems. Simply set your destination using either the settings on the bus or via the menu, and off you drive...
The timetable...
Monday to Friday - Bus on each route run Every 30 minutes, with a 15 minute combined frequency on the common sections. On Saturdays, the basic Monday-Friday timetable applies between St Albans and Welwyn Garden City, however between Welwyn Garden City and Stevenage, the frequency is reduced to every 20 minutes. In order to co-ordinate this, some journeys stand in Welwyn Garden City for up to 10 minutes - and some 300 journeys run short trips. In the evenings, the 301 runs hourly only, with the 300 finishing in the early evening. On Sundays, the 300/301 each operate hourly, so buses run every 30 minutes across most of the route until late afternoon, before returning to the 301 only operating hourly. A full public PDF timetable is included in the map download for reference.
Traffic Jams...
AI traffic levels have been set to create some challenge, and to be as close the the harsh reality of being a UK bus driver as possible. During the main part of the day, you should usually comfortably manage the journey in 90 minutes - however at peak times, there are some "bottlenecks" built into the map for that extra challenge - such as Hatfield road into St Albans and between Welwyn village and Digswell Road/Knightsfield estate. Its also easy to get delayed on the way into Stevenage. A couple of minutes is built into the timetable to allow recovery time on the 301, however as the 300 takes a slightly longer route into Stevenage - so recovery time is more marginal. As AI traffic is random - there will always be times you are caught out by unexpected congestion!
Tickets please...
This map makes full use of the ticket machine in the default bus, and its ability to issue 6, rather than 5 tickets. It is recommended that you drive with full ticket sales activated for better realism. If you wish to use other buses, then an alternative ticket pack file is included - simply overwrite with the default one in the ticketpacks/hertfordshire folder. The default tickets are:
Adult Single - Short distance (This is up to around 1.5 miles) - £1.70
Adult Single - Medium distance (This is around 1.5 to 3 miles) - £2.50
Adult Single - Longer distance (This is typically over 3 miles) - £3.90
Child Single - Flat fare over any distance - £1.10
Adult DaySaver - £5.50
Child DaySaver - £2.75
As the ticket types are "non-standard", no voice pack is included by default. I have tried to re-create the usual UK ticketing practice, where the fare increases with the distance travelled, rather than the less common flat fare system. Due to the way OMSI selects the tickets for purchase, its possible that passengers will wish to purchase higher value tickets close to the terminus, where a lower value would be applicable. Due to the limitations of OMSI this cannot, as far as I know, be changed.
Thanks go to...
Many OMSI developers have contributed directly or indirectly in some way to the development of the Hertfordshire, either by creating objects, splines, buses and repaints, and/or supporting me in the development and testing of this map. If there is anybody missing from this list please let me know!
AussieX/World of OMSI - For hosting the map, free of charge to me and to the whole OMSI community
AD156 - For the excellent Volvo B9TL Gemini bus
Chris1993 - various UK objects, including the classic tudor semi detached house
Fellowsfilm object pack - some great UK objects
Freeman - For many of the first "uk" objects for OMSI, originally from the Canterbury map
Hertfordshire busboy - For sharing local knowledge, supporting the development of the map, and testing it!
Iomex - Brilliant UK road splines and objects conversions, of which made converting my map much easier than it might have been!
Roadhog123 - Too many objects/splines to mention, all great and add to the UK feel of the map!
TonyA - Various objects
Treedman - "Scunthorpe" bus shelter objects - originally developed for the Scunthorpe map, but adapted here for Hertfordshire
Whistlehead objects - lots of UK objects, only discovered in the final few weeks before release, but some have been included, and I am sure many will feature in future maps
British Scenery pack - including the 1980s railway station object used several times across the map!
UK bus stops - Interlink bus stops(aussiex.org已失效)【版权】:作者(如果不知道作者,请填写原始网址): mrmoose(看另一个分享这个地图的帖子才知道的)
【图片】:找不到什么图片,借用 另一个分享这个地图的帖子的图片(这图很假)
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[ 本帖最后由 ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh 于 2020-7-28 14:45 编辑 ]