
D:\My Documents\German Truck Simulator\live_streams.sii


# Stream data format: "URL of the live stream | Name for the radio as listed in Radio screen"
# !!! WARNING !!!  mms streams are not supported!
# remove the leading '#' character on the "stream_data[]" line below and enter
# a correct URL of the stream to have the Internet radio offered in the Radio screen
# you can enter multiple lines in the same format, each defining additional radios
live_stream_def : .live_streams {
# stream_data[]: "URL of mp3 live stream|My Radio"


# Stream data format: "URL of the live stream | Name for the radio as listed in Radio screen"
# !!! WARNING !!!  mms streams are not supported!
# remove the leading '#' character on the "stream_data[]" line below and enter
# a correct URL of the stream to have the Internet radio offered in the Radio screen
# you can enter multiple lines in the same format, each defining additional radios
live_stream_def : .live_streams {
# stream_data[]: "URL of mp3 live stream|My Radio"
# 安徽音乐台
stream_data[]: "mms://live.ahradio.com.cn/yygb|Radio - An Hui Music"

# 厦门音乐台
stream_data[]: "mms://mediasrv2.iptv.xmg.com.cn/yinyue|Radio - Xia Men Music"


进入游戏按R键,有两个网络电台(Radio - An Hui Music,Radio - Xia Men Music)了(厦门音乐台延迟比较严重),


stream_data[]: "电台Url | 电台名称(当然德卡不支持汉子显示)"

  • Lloyd Esq. 膜仔通汇 +3 2012-3-15 18:43 感謝分享