
[交流] LOTUS-Simulator 发布一周年

LOTUS-Simulator 发布一周年


随着首个生日到来,LOTUS 发布 043 更新,多人模式也将在 1 天内上线。
Dear Ones, we are approaching the first birthday of :lotus: Early Access. If we leaf back through the patches of the past year, a lot has happened. We can only thank our addon developers, beta testers, players and admirers a thousand and one times! Thanks for all the support, the encouragement, the error messages, the biting through and the numerous beautiful screenshots - we love our simulator and we won't stop improving it with and for you!
On the occasion of this birthday there is a huge update of the Munich addon that you shouldn't miss, traffic light requests in LOTUS and - finally - the start of the public beta test of the LOTUS multiplayer. Addon update and patch will be available today, with the multiplayer we start with a joint ride on this Sunday - the day after tomorrow! - right when the Early Access really has a birthday.
10 月 6 日 LOTUS 出展汉诺威,可体验内容包括巴士模块及除德累斯顿外各已公开 Addon。

另外官网目前正在投票选择接下来优先制作初级 AI 或提升性能,欢迎投票。
Dear community,
it is planned in respect of the release of the Bus module to begin with the programming of the AI (hence traffic and pedestrians).
At first we implement the paths, which have to be laid by the map builders. The vehicles and pedestrians can move along those paths. Then, the detection of the vehicles among themselves will be implemented, to avoid collisions between each other, then first traffic rules, later of course the schedules, ... As already announced, the implementation of the complete AI will take several months.
The simple AI contains the driving along paths, the vehicle detection among each other and very first traffic rules.
We want to know if you prefer to get that simple AI as soon as possible, or if you wish that, instead, we use 1 or 2 months to optimize and improve the performance in LOTUS, before we even start with AI.
Thanks for your participation!

[ 本帖最后由 hans johnson 于 2019-9-15 22:01 编辑 ]


聯絡方式(點擊連結並留下用戶名稱):法務部連結 / Telegram / QQ


原帖由 justinyau36 于 15/9/2019 09:56 PM 发表
100 年后。

原帖由 hans johnson 于 2019-9-15 22:15 发表

100 年后。



联机功能先出来玩着 既然说了,应该差不多了



Multiplayer 现已上线。


原帖由 DOMOG97 于 16/9/2019 12:04 AM 发表
作者应该先把公交提上来弄啊。之前不能确定,现在还不明显么,omsi都很久的老游戏了,DLC还在出就说明公交这块还是比较成功的,也积累了一定的人气,那就应该把这种优势充分发挥出来,偏偏先弄有轨电车,一来目前又不缺轨道类的模 ...
可能就是看 OMSI 还能续,就先做做路电。

但我也没看出路电有什么更好的玩法,像 BVE 可以玩对标,ZUSI 可以玩信号,这让他们能以 20 年前画质水平继续生存。
这两点至少在 LOTUS 里都不充分,而巴士的驾驶乐趣在路电上也可说大打折扣。
可能这也是虽然有数个优秀得多的铁路模拟,但路电这块确实 Addon 相对较少的原因之一。

接下来只能先看 10 月 6 日展出的街道(巴士)模块如何了。
